Green and Sustainable Bonds: Five Key Questions

With strong sustainable EU initiatives, plus the conclusion of the hiking cycle, attractive carry in interest rate curves, and the likelihood of lower interest rates amid evolving monetary policies, the outlook for green and sustainable bonds is promising, explain the portfolio managers of the Generali Investments SICAV (GIS) SRI Euro Green Bond subfund.

  • The GIS SRI Euro Green Bond subfund invests in investment grade green corporate bonds, green covered bonds, green government bonds, green public agencies bonds, green supranational bonds and sustainable bonds with social themes.
  • The European Union plans to issue up to €250 billion euros of green bonds by the end of 2026 to finance the NextGenerationEU programme.
  • We aim to select bonds where the proceeds will genuinely be put to work in the real economy.

What types of green and sustainable bonds does the GIS SRI Euro Green Bond subfund invest?

In the GIS SRI Euro Green Bond subfund, we aim to strike a balanced asset allocation within the investment grade bond space. Its investment positioning encompasses green corporate bonds, green covered bonds, green government bonds, green public agencies bonds and green supranational bonds. These investments are primarily channeled into the areas of renewable energy, energy efficiency, clean transportation, pollution prevention and control green buildings. The fund also invests in sustainable bonds with a focus on social themes such as social infrastructure.

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