Content (112)

  • Frontier Market Debt Resilient, diversified, uncorrelated returns


    Frontier Market Debt Resilient, diversified, uncorrelated returns


    Emerging and frontier markets are perceived as highly risky and volatile but for specialist, experienced investors they present potentially diverse, uncorrelated, and resilient high yield opportunities. Indeed, historically frontier market debt has a lower beta relative to other fixed income segments, and has been more resilient in drawdown periods, explains Global Evolution, a firm that is newly part of Generali Investments and has over 20 years’ experience in emerging and frontier market debt.

  • The bullish case for European fixed income

    White papers

    The bullish case for European fixed income


    Mauro Valle, Head of Fixed Income at Generali Asset Management, explains why he expects duration to maintain its bullish momentum for the final months of 2024, and why the short- to medium-term part of the yield curve should be a sweet spot for bond investors.

  • How cutting-edge energy infrastructure is delivering old-fashioned returns

    White papers

    How Cutting-Edge Energy Infrastructure is Delivering Old Fashioned Returns


    The scale of change underway in energy infrastructure is enormous. But with a traditional approach and detailed understanding of the changing market, it is possible to deliver the kind of stable and predictable returns that investors have come to expect from an infrastructure allocation, says Ivor Frischknecht, Managing Partner, CIO Asia-Pacific at Sosteneo Infrastructure Partners, part of Generali Investments.

  • European SMEs A rich tapestry of sustainable private debt opportunities

    White papers

    European SMEs: A rich tapestry of sustainable private debt opportunities


    The diversity of the SME segment in Europe offers investors access to a highly differentiated and steady flow of investment opportunities, explain the private debt team at Generali Asset Management. Moreover, falling interest rates are expected to benefit M&A corporate loans activity, while flexible unitranche structures from private debt funds should come back into focus.

  • The case for resilient high yield private credit

    White papers

    The case for resilient high yield private credit


    With inflation lingering and rates moving at a much slower pace than expected, infrastructure debt, particularly in the higher-quality sub-investment grade space, offers attractive returns and resilience for investors seeking a safe haven in a changeable market, explain Infranity experts.

  • Private Debt thumbnail


    Meet the European direct private debt team


    SME management teams generally have a stronger “affectio societatis” and are truly motivated to make a sustainable impact with their companies, say the direct private debt team at Generali Asset Management in this new video.

  • Green_Bond_05_2024

    White papers

    Green and Sustainable Bonds: Five Key Questions


    With strong sustainable EU initiatives, plus the conclusion of the hiking cycle, attractive carry in interest rate curves, and the likelihood of lower interest rates amid evolving monetary policies, the outlook for green and sustainable bonds is promising, explain the portfolio managers of the Generali Investments SICAV (GIS) SRI Euro Green Bond subfund.

  • Where are the Opportunities in Corporate Bonds Now?

    White papers

    Where are the Opportunities in Corporate Bonds Now?


    Bonds are back – but with changeable forecasts for inflation, and lurking geopolitical tensions, credit selection is more important than ever for fixed income investors. We spoke to five corporate bond managers from across Generali Investments ecosystem to understand where they’re finding opportunities and avoiding pitfalls in today’s global corporate bond markets.

  • euro government bond opportunities in a rate cutting environment

    White papers

    Euro government bond opportunities in a rate cutting environment


    With inflation decelerating overall and markets pricing in rate cuts for 2024, the environment is ripe for European government bonds to thrive, explains Mauro Valle, Head of Fixed Income at Generali Asset Management.

  • Macro Outlook 2024- The intangible cycle

    White papers

    Macro Outlook 2024: The intangible cycle


    Our Annual Outlook provides our key views and investment implications for the coming year

  • Key Investment Themes 2024 REV_FINAL

    White papers

    Key Investments themes 2024: views from around the Generali Investments ecosystem


    The global economy showed remarkable resilience in 2023, avoiding the sharp recession that was widely expected at the start of the year.

  • Meet Sosteneo


    Meet Sosteneo


    Introducing Sosteneo Infrastructure Partners: A new affiliate within Generali Investments focused on clean energy infrastructure equity investing