How ESG can help build resilience in Buy and Maintain credit strategies

Responsible investment has always been about the long term. Equity investors want to know a company isn’t vulnerable to global shifts around environmental or social issues and for fixed income investors, looking to more distant horizons, it might be about ensuring a business can be part of a resilient strategy for the next 20 years.

For asset managers seeking to build such strategies, it’s all about culture. At AXA IM, we believe our Buy & Maintain business benefits from credit analysis that puts environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors at its heart. It’s not for show – the integration of ESG decisively shapes allocations. We believe this can help deliver long- term performance enhancement for institutional investors.

The reason is simple. Companies that can’t adapt to new realities have never made for great investments, and as the world embraces innovative ways of responding to climate and social change, this is only becoming more important. So how do we make sure our strategies are prepared?

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