All Global articles

  • sectorviews0724-640x360-insightsmasthead
    White papers

    Central banks—Will inflation stay, or will it go? Fixed Income Sector Views

    2024-07-22T11:43:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    Franklin Templeton Fixed Income believes an allocation to fixed income continues to make sense given the high yields and income provided by high-quality, short-maturity securities. Read more in the latest Sector Views.

  • NB
    White papers

    Fixed Income Investment Outlook 3Q 2024

    2024-07-17T10:31:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Widening Differences, New Opportunities After months of anticipation, a broader move to lower policy rates appears on its way. However, the varied pace of easing, along with dispersion in economic growth and strains on the credit front, may widen the gap between winners and losers across the fixed income spectrum. We believe this should enhance opportunities for active managers in navigating a new landscape.

  • M&G
    White papers

    Evaluating risk and reward in an ever-changing world

    2024-07-17T09:33:00Z By M&G Investments

    Private markets have grown exponentially since the Global Financial Crisis, and the growth story is far from over. We explore the risks and rewards of this often complex world and why expertise is crucial in achieving tangible results.

  • Amundi
    White papers

    Geopolitics in focus as NATO leaders meet

    2024-07-15T09:38:00Z By Amundi

    Invest globally, look for potential opportunities in emerging markets, and balance equities with government bonds to navigate uncertainty from US elections and geopolitical hotspots.

  • barings
    White papers

    EM Debt: Are the Biggest Risks Behind Us?

    2024-07-12T11:14:00Z By Barings

    With many EM elections now behind us, EM debt looks well-positioned heading into the remainder of the year. But with geopolitical tensions continuing to rise, and in the lead-up to the U.S. presidential election, a selective approach will be key. Some of the major risks facing emerging markets (EM) debt heading into this year have either passed or subsided. Many EM elections, for instance, are now behind us.

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    White papers

    Taking the fear out of high yield debt investment

    2024-07-12T10:39:00Z By BNY Investments

    Fixed income investors cautious about gaining exposure to high yield debt have little to fear as credit quality in the sector improves and attractive new pockets of opportunity open, says Insight Investment1portfolio manager and senior credit analyst, Cathy Braganza.

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    White papers

    Uncovering US muni bond opportunity

    2024-07-12T10:38:00Z By BNY Investments

    With inflationary pressures now easing, generationally high yield levels in the US municipal bond sector and the historic resilience of the asset class are proving increasingly attractive to both domestic and global investors, says Insight Investment1 senior portfolio manager Jeffrey Burger.

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    White papers

    European champions

    2024-07-12T10:37:00Z By BNY Investments

    Walter Scott1 investment manager Alan Edington looks ahead to a big summer of sport and entertainment. One that is set to showcase not just a host of global superstars but also some of Europe’s leading companies.

  • The changing face of global interest rate movements
    White papers

    The changing face of global interest rate movements

    2024-07-12T10:35:00Z By BNY Investments

    Rising yields, growing income opportunity and an increasingly supportive market environment make a compelling case for investment in global credit, according to Insight Investment1 portfolio manager Shaun Casey.

  • EM winners in a fragmented world
    White papers

    EM winners in a fragmented world

    2024-07-11T16:29:00Z By Amundi

    Emerging markets outlook for the second half of 2024

  • A new window of vulnerability opens in the second half of the year
    White papers

    A new window of vulnerability opens in the second half of the year

    2024-07-11T16:24:00Z By Amundi

    Investors must assess evolving risks to adjust positions and implement hedging options.

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    Asset Manager News

    International High-Rise Award 2024/25: 31 High-Rise Projects Nominated Globally

    2024-07-11T11:58:00Z By Deka Immobilien (Real Estate)

    The buildings nominated for the International High-Rise Award 2024/25 have now been announced: they have been selected from more than 1,000 new high-rises worldwide dating from the past two years. 

  • investment outlook hero
    White papers

    Investment outlook

    2024-07-11T11:42:00Z By Nuveen

    At the midpoint of 2024, we are focused on a number of risks posed by fissures and fault lines in the economic terrain — and the need to navigate them successfully. Weakening global growth, still-sticky inflation, diverging monetary policy around the globe and growing political uncertainty all add to the uncertain footing. How might investors find their away around these cracks? In our view, the following portfolio themes point in the right direction.

  • Secular outlook 2024
    White papers

    Five-year investment outlook

    2024-07-10T11:03:00Z By Pictet Asset Management

    Our analysis shows the dispersion of returns across domestic equity and bond markets will decline over the next five years. This suggests investors should consider investing across sectoral lines and allocate more of their capital to corporate bonds.

  • FT4
    White papers

    Central Bank Watch: A slow burn

    2024-07-09T15:36:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    The Franklin Templeton Fixed Income (FTFI) Central Bank Watch is a qualitative assessment of the central banks for the Group of Ten (G10) nations plus two additional countries (China and South Korea).Each central bank is scored on three parameters: Inflation Outlook Perception, Quantitative Easing/Liquidity Management Programs, and Interest Rate Forward Guidance. Each parameter can be scored from a range with a minimum of -2 (dovish) and a maximum of +2 (hawkish). 

  • EMEA Investment grade outlook, H2 2024
    White papers

    EMEA Investment grade outlook, H2 2024

    2024-07-08T13:19:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    Inflation is finally coming down, central banks are poised to cut rates, and credit spreads have withstood volatility in government bonds. So where do we see things going from here?

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    Outerblue Convictions – Global Investment Views – Trends steering markets

    2024-07-05T15:47:00Z By Amundi

    It’s been a busy month for central bank interest rate decisions, but while the European Central Bank, the Bank of Canada and Swiss National Bank have chosen to cut rates, the Federal Reserve is still pondering the timing of its next move. 

  • Fund Selector Masterclass - Global Equities

    Fund Selector Masterclass - Global Equities

    2024-07-03T11:50:00Z By Federated Hermes

    In this Fund Selector Masterclass, expert panellists, including Martin Todd, Portfolio Manager of Sustainable Global Equity at Federated Hermes, is joined by a top fund selector to discuss global equities, where they see opportunities and what’s ahead for H2 2024 and beyond.

  • AB
    White papers

    Global Macro Outlook: Third Quarter 2024

    2024-07-03T11:15:00Z By AllianceBernstein

    There’s more evidence that growth is slowing, but it appears manageable and unlikely to lead to recession. While rate cuts have begun outside the US, we expect the Fed to follow suit by December. Political developments, especially the election cycle, are now coming into frame. 

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    White papers

    Equity Outlook: Making Way for the Magnificent Others

    2024-07-02T11:15:00Z By AllianceBernstein

    Despite narrow market concentration, we see opportunities in high-quality stocks that haven’t yet been rewarded. Global stocks posted healthy gains in the first half of 2024, although second-quarter performance moderated from the previous quarter’s breakneck pace. With inflation still sticky and equity returns concentrated, the time may be right for investors to broaden their horizons.