All Asia Pacific articles – Page 12
White papers
Does the end of China’s love affair with property spell heartbreak for investors?
Beneath the surface of the world’s most important industry sector, all is not well, and investors – directly or indirectly exposed – will be profoundly impacted by what the Chinese property sector does next, writes Robin Usson, CFA, Credit Analyst
White papers
Food for Thought: The Soy Journey from East to West
When most people think about soybeans, their first thought is probably of food. After all, this tiny bean has grown to become one of the top ten most valuable agricultural products in the world. Sweet, sour, salty, bitter and umami – this oilseed is the foundation for thousands of dishes and central to many Asian cuisines today.
White papers
The Ever-Shifting Shanghai Gold Market Landscape
As the world’s largest gold producer, China plays an outsized role in global gold markets. But in order to fully satisfy domestic demand for jewelry and other forms of gold, the country also typically relies on imports.
White papers
Real Estate in China: Sector Focus
Property has been a highly regulated sector within China for many years and in recent times has been the focus of new policy changes. In this article, we take a look at the sector in more detail.
White papers
China’s zero-Covid policy – Timing, benefits, costs and impact
As more countries opt for ‘living with Covid’, China is sticking with a ‘zero Covid’ policy (ZCP) that has brought significant benefits, although not without costs. China may soon be approaching a turning point where the costs outweigh the benefits.
Understanding China Market Dynamics
We believe having on the ground insight is key to understanding local market dynamics. Listen to the latest insights from Ning Meng, China A-Share Strategy Leader based in Shanghai, as he talks to Joe Amato, President and Chief Investment Officer—Equities, about the recent dynamics in China markets.
White papers
Risk and opportunity in Asia credit: Chinese property, regulatory shifts, inflation
We believe at the point of Evergrande default, the contagion are, less financial and more real economy in nature. This is because the overall exposure of the financial system to Evergrande from a top-down perspective is much more manageable albeit there are risks around selected financial institutions with higher exposures to Evergrande.
White papers
What I learned on a trip through China
Amid heightened risk in China’s equity markets, portfolio manager Winnie Kwan shares first-hand experiences from her first post- COVID trip to China. She shines a light on:
White papers
Playing catch up – the challenge for Japan
Japan has been a notable laggard in two critical areas – climate change and gender equality. How are we engaging with Japanese companies and policymakers to accelerate the energy transition and support women in the workplace?
White papers
Is China’s regulatory reform stifling ‘animal spirits’?
Some investors worry that regulatory tightening in China could strangle growth in its private sector, which is now dominated by technology companies and e-commerce platforms.
Asset Manager News
GLP Announces $1.75 Billion First Close of CLF III, the Third Vintage of its Flagship China Development Fund Series
More than $7 billion of discretionary development capital for logistics real estate development in China, more than any other private real estate manager
White papers
PGIM Fixed Income case study— filtering Asian Green Bonds through our framework
Issuers have myriad incentives— often including a lower cost of capital than a traditional bond—to apply the green label to their bond offerings.
White papers
Credit events in China (II): Will the property market come crumbling down?
In this second part of our special report, Chi Lo, Senior Market Strategist APAC, assesses whether recent credit events in China risk triggering a property market crash.
White papers
Credit events in China (I) – The macroeconomic impact
In this first of a two-part report, Chi Lo, Senior Market Strategist APAC, examines the macroeconomic impact of China’s latest credit events. In part II, he assesses whether these same events could trigger a property market crash.
White papers
Japanese employment: engaging for greater equality – an update
A year has passed since we published a note exploring the long-standing issues around the under-representation of women within the Japanese labour force.
White papers
The Recent Performance of ESG Investing, the Covid-19 Catalyst and the Biden Effect
The purpose of this paper is to appraise recent ESG trends in global equity markets. It contributes to a broader research project started at Amundi in 2014 on the relevance of ESG. Since the latest update in 2019, we have lived through a global pandemic that profoundly reshaped the global economy and society, and an eventful change of leadership in the United States.
Asset Manager News
GLP Raises $2.75 Billion for GLP Japan Development Partners IV
Largest Japan-focused private real estate fund to date; Expected to reach over JPY 1 trillion (~$9.1 billion) AUM when fully deployed
White papers
Shifts & Narratives #10 - China is finally emerging from the US’s shadow
Today, with developed market equities highly correlated and bond yields remaining subdued, investors are searching for other sources of income.
White papers
Connecting the Dots on China’s Growth Outlook
Concerns about China’s slowing economy have focused on issues affecting property and manufacturing. But these are only part of the story. Investors seeking a fuller understanding of the risks and opportunities need to take a broader perspective.
White papers
China’s long and winding road to net zero
China is thought to account for over a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions, and Paris Agreement alignment will be vital if global heating is to be kept within safe planetary boundaries.