White papers - all assets – Page 294

  • Is Inflation Definitely Dead Or Simply Dormant? Consequences For Central Banks
    White papers

    Is Inflation Definitely Dead Or Simply Dormant? Consequences For Central Banks

    2019-04-30T16:06:00Z By Amundi

    Inflation never disappears completely. In history, there have been periods when it was dormant, but revivals have always been painful. What is striking at present is the inability of some countries to boost inflation despite low rates, liquidity injection programs… The BoJ and the ECB have made the bet (losing for the moment) that a ultra-accommodative monetary policy would quickly translate into a rise in inflation rates, while the Fed has opted for a “friendly” normalization of its monetary policy, helped in this, it must be said, by a fiscal and tax policy that has never been as pro-cyclical as in recent years (the Trump years). 

  • White papers

    Energy Options Skews: Beyond Supply Shocks

    2019-04-30T15:09:00Z By CME Group Inc.

    The U.S. shale oil revolution has given out-of-the-money put options a persistently negative skew over the past decade, overshadowing likely supply woes.

  • Emerging Market Green Bonds - Report 2018
    White papers

    Emerging Market Green Bonds - Report 2018

    2019-04-29T16:02:00Z By Amundi

    In October 2018, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) urged the world to intensify its efforts to combat climate change by meeting the goal of the 2016 Paris Agreement to limit global temperature increases to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

  • Global Asset Class Spotlights - Top Down Quarterly Assessment
    White papers

    Global Asset Class Spotlights - Top Down Quarterly Assessment

    2019-04-29T15:56:00Z By Amundi

    Growth, monetary policies and geopolitics remain the key drivers of market returns and investment decisions, with their relative influence changing over time. The YTD revival of risk assets has translated into rosier expectations on growth. We remain cautious; we confirm the late cycle environment with extra dovish central banks and growth stabilisation ahead, as our economists are predicting. However, we also look towards the reporting season to confirm the solidity of corporates’ fundamentals and we expect a rerating in the face of European elections.

  • White papers

    Why Russia May be Set for an Explosion in E-commerce Growth

    2019-04-29T15:55:00Z By Barings

    Historically a laggard in the e-commerce world, Russia is showing signs of life. But challenges remain.

  • White papers

    The Short and Long of Oil

    2019-04-29T15:03:00Z By CME Group Inc.

    Short-term forces centered on supply constraints are driving the oil market higher but increasing fuel efficiency could temper prices over the long term.

  • White papers

    High Yield: A Swift Rebound

    2019-04-29T14:36:00Z By Barings

    High yield bonds and loans posted a strong Q1 following the technically induced Q4 sell-off. With defaults still near historical lows, current spreads provide attractive risk-adjusted return potential.

  • White papers

    Liquidity Insights: Euro FX Responds to Brexit, U.S. Inflation

    2019-04-29T14:05:00Z By CME Group Inc.

    There are many factors that can influence FX exchange rates, including event risk and fundamental economic data. To manage such risk, traders have often turned to futures and options. Recent events around the world have caused dramatic moves in exchange rates, particularly for currencies impacted by the chaos of Brexit.

  • Impact Report, Q1 2019
    White papers

    Impact Report, Q1 2019

    2019-04-26T10:39:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Plastic is a versatile, ubiquitous material in today’s fast-moving economy. But it is also one (big) example of the challenges we face when trying to transition to a circular economy.

  • European elections in an era of economic and political disruption
    White papers

    European elections in an era of economic and political disruption

    2019-04-25T10:23:00Z By Federated Hermes

    The stakes are high for elections to the European Parliament in May: they will test populist strength across the bloc at a time when economic momentum is weak. In this edition of Ahead of the Curve, we examine how this dynamic could steer the agenda in the weeks before the vote.

  • Global Investment Views - May 2019
    White papers

    Global Investment Views - May 2019

    2019-04-25T09:48:00Z By Amundi

    Equity markets have remained buoyant in recent weeks: the S&P 500 is trending towards an all-time high, the European equity market (STOXX 600) is close to last year’s peak and the performances of emerging markets have also been very strong.

  • High Yield: Identifying Value Amid Shifting Sentiment
    White papers

    High Yield: Identifying Value Amid Shifting Sentiment

    2019-04-24T16:05:00Z By Barings

    Despite the sharp turns in high yield markets over the past two quarters, companies ticked along without flinching—posting strong earnings over the course. David Mihalick, Barings’ Head of U.S. High Yield Investments, explains why.

  • Investment Insight: Disruption: Technology
    White papers

    Investment Insight: Disruption: Technology

    2019-04-24T15:34:00Z By M&G Investments

    What is disruption and how can tech disruptors bring about change? Defining a tech company and how sustainable trends can be distingushed from fads Valuing a tech opportunity comes with its challenges, but also potential benefits for investors. 

  • European Debt Disputes Make An Unhappy Union
    White papers

    European Debt Disputes Make An Unhappy Union

    2019-04-24T14:15:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    David Zahn, our European Fixed Income expert, considers how Italy’s debt may impact the state of the European Union and why we favor bonds from Italy and Spain.

  • Italy: no short-term confrontation with the EU, but uncertainty in the mid-term.
    White papers

    Italy: no short-term confrontation with the EU, but uncertainty in the mid-term.

    2019-04-24T09:25:00Z By Amundi

    In the new forecasts for the 2020 budget and beyond from the Italian government (from the latest economic blueprint, of 9 April: “The Stability and Growth Path, SGP”), its economic projections come much closer to consensus than previous ones, pointing to weaker GDP growth.

  • White papers

    EM Debt: Investing with Cautious Optimism

    2019-04-23T15:23:00Z By Barings

    Sovereign debt outperformed in Q1 as geopolitical headlines continued to garner attention and commodities rallied. Risks remain for the asset class but some notable headwinds have now become tailwinds.

  • White papers

    High Yield Bonds & Loans: Where to Next?

    2019-04-23T15:10:00Z By Barings

    High yield markets roared back in the first quarter. Can market fundamentals and technicals support continued strength? And how should investors factor in risks ranging from possible recession, to ratings downgrades, to liquidity concerns? Barings’ David Mihalick weighs in.

  • White papers

    IG Credit: Can the Rally Last?

    2019-04-22T14:44:00Z By Barings

    BBB-rated credits led the first quarter recovery despite early signs of deterioration among fundamentals. With spreads significantly tighter this year, short duration credits may pose an attractive investment option.

  • White papers

    Climate-Proofing an Equity Portfolio

    2019-04-22T12:33:00Z By AllianceBernstein

    From rising sea levels to catastrophic weather events, investors can’t afford to ignore the risks of climate change. Since many companies would be vulnerable if current climate forecasts materialize, asset managers may want to consider climate change in their equity research process and engage management teams on the subject.

  • White papers

    Fed's Five Critical Issues

    2019-04-18T14:49:00Z By CME Group Inc.

    The Fed is facing five issues that could play a key role in its forward guidance on monetary policy, chief among them being the trade war and the economy.