All Sovereign Bonds articles – Page 3

  • Investing For Growth And Prosperity - In Africa Sovereign Wealth Funds Focus On G, S And E
    White papers

    Investing For Growth And Prosperity: In Africa Sovereign Wealth Funds Focus On G, S And E

    2021-04-21T09:03:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    A research report on the key themes and challenges for Africa’s sovereign wealth funds.

  • Q2 2021 Investment View -  Some like it hot
    White papers

    Q2 2021 Investment View - Some like it hot

    2021-03-26T15:19:00Z By Generali Investments

    On the ground it does not feel like it just yet, as Europe battles with a third wave of infections, but markets are fast proceeding to the Covid crisis exit door. Too fast? We do not think so and see room for further rotation.

  • Why we don’t expect the Fed to taper its bond buying programme this year
    White papers

    Why we don’t expect the Fed to taper its bond buying programme this year

    2021-02-02T15:54:00Z By Amundi

    In a world where sovereign bond yields are in the hand of central banks, the recent upward revisions of growth expectations for the US economy raised questions about the outlook for the Fed’s monetary policy. Growth is expected to rebound in H2 and very accommodative monetary policy is not a free lunch. The difficulty for the Fed is estimating how sustainable this expected improvement in growth and inflation will be in H2 2021. 

  • Alternative UCITS - delivering on diversification
    White papers

    Alternative UCITS: delivering on diversification

    2020-11-26T17:27:00Z By Lyxor Asset Management

    Europe’s Alternative UCITS funds have delivered on their diversification promise during the coronavirus-related market turbulence of 2020.According to Bernadette Busquere Arnal, European Head of Hedge Fund Research and Nathanael Benzaken, Chief Client Officer, the Alternative UCITS sector will continue to grow and Lyxor is positioning its fund platform to benefit clients in future.

  • Bonds that are not really binding
    White papers

    Bonds that are not really binding

    2020-11-04T12:09:00Z By Amundi

    Should the €2,800 billion in sovereign bonds or the equivalent* that are on the European Central Bank’s balance sheet be treated just like any other bonds? This question, which has come up regularly over the past several months, is far from being of mere academic interest.

  • Investment View - The New Age of Financial Repression
    White papers

    Investment View - The New Age of Financial Repression

    2020-10-09T11:32:00Z By Generali Investments

    Given the surge in government and corporate debt, policy will inevitably focus on making this load sustainable: financial repression, spearheaded by central banks, is set to reach a whole new level. 

  • EMD - Further Room to Run?
    White papers

    EMD: Further Room to Run?

    2020-07-16T12:01:00Z By Barings

    Emerging markets debt rallied strongly in the second quarter—and while risks remain ever-present, the asset class may benefit from continued monetary stimulus and the potential for a sharper economic bounce-back in the second half of the year.

  • Implications of the global debt explosion
    Asset Manager News

    Implications of the global debt explosion

    2020-07-15T15:12:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    Global debt was at an unprecedented level before Covid-19. With the subsequent policy response injecting liquidity into most parts of the world economy, the debt predicament is set for a worse path. We explore the implications for sovereigns, financials and corporates, particularly from the perspective of credit investors. 

  • Adventures on the Planet of the Apes - Navigating the Low-Rate Environment
    White papers

    Adventures on the Planet of the Apes: Navigating the Low-Rate Environment

    2020-05-04T13:39:00Z By William Blair Investment Management

    Artificially low rates are causing multiple distortions and pockets of heightened risks—and while the current environment may be unprecedented, it need not be incomprehensible. Investors who understand the dynamics driving low rates may be positioned to take advantage of promising opportunities.

  • An Update On Our ESG Scores
    White papers

    An Update On Our ESG Scores

    2020-04-23T11:33:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    Health security concerns in the time of COVID-19? Global Macro Views highlights five country case studies.

  • GIAM Macro & Market Research - Market Commentary
    White papers

    GIAM Macro & Market Research - Market Commentary

    2020-03-19T08:38:00Z By Generali Investments

    Yesterday evening the ECB surprisingly launched its new QE program “to counter the serious risks to the monetary policy transmission mechanism and the outlook for the euro area posed by the outbreak and escalating diffusion of the coronavirus, COVID-19.” At the March 12 policy meeting President Lagarde made clear that the response to the crisis should be “fiscal first and foremost”. However, the dramatic developments since then – with specifically sovereign euro area bond spreads rising strongly – induced further ECB action.

  • Credit selectivity at the fore in European high yield bond and senior loan investing
    White papers

    Credit selectivity at the fore in European high yield bond and senior loan investing

    2020-01-09T13:04:00Z By Oaktree Capital Management

    The European leveraged finance market is recognised for its potential to offer a compelling income advantage versus other, more traditional fixed income asset classes. Current market factors such as low default rates for speculative-grade debt and further stimulus from the European Central Bank are expected to continue to lend support to this asset class, which has enjoyed strong performance in 2019. Still, a prudent perspective would view the market as standing on relatively fragile ground in a period of low yields, lackluster economic activity and weakening growth outlook.

  • Building on 2019’s green bond resurgence
    White papers

    Building on 2019’s green bond resurgence

    2020-01-02T11:58:00Z By Columbia Threadneedle Investments

    In almost whatever country you care to mention, climate change and social inequality are exploding into the public consciousness. Extinction Rebellion in the UK or the Gilets Jaune in Paris are just two of the more high-profile signs. Yet in the financial markets, too, green, social and sustainability bonds are growing in number and sophistication.

  • Stay agile amid diverging scenarios
    White papers

    Stay agile amid diverging scenarios

    2019-11-27T10:57:00Z By Amundi

    After enjoying stellar performance this year, investors will increasingly question whether the global economy will proceed towards a trade war-engineered recession moving into 2020, thereby ending the longest ever bull market. Or, if growth stabilizes at a low level, and potentially rebounds, the cycle could extend even further.

  • Ecb Qe2 Starts On A Strong Foot With A Tilt To The Private Sector
    White papers

    ECB QE2 Starts On A Strong Foot With A Tilt To The Private Sector

    2019-11-15T15:04:00Z By Amundi

    ECB QE2 started off on a strong foot, according to data released on Monday regarding the very first week of purchases. The overall increase in holdings of the four QE programmes was quite high for just one week relative to the announced monthly path of EUR 20 bn, as it totalled around half of this amount , at EUR 9 bn. Most of the increase in holdings was driven by the public sector (roughly EUR 4.5bn) and corporate bond programme, at almost EUR 2.8 bn. The CSPP portfolio expanded from EUR177.1bn at the end of October to EUR181.1bn on 8 November. With the data reflecting settled securities, this number should cover just four trading days of purchases.

  • ABS: Uncovering Opportunities Beyond the (IG) Index
    White papers

    ABS: Uncovering Opportunities Beyond the (IG) Index

    2019-11-12T16:44:00Z By Barings

    Amid an ongoing search for yield and with a number of potential risks on the horizon, there may be benefits to exploring opportunities outside of traditional corporate and government bonds—such as certain parts of the asset-backed securities (ABS) universe.

  • Why Are Investors Turning to Emerging Market Corporate Bonds?
    White papers

    Why Are Investors Turning to Emerging Market Corporate Bonds?

    2019-11-04T10:27:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    Emerging market debt has expanded significantly. Its continued evolution has opened the way for more sophisticated investment strategies which exploit its diversity to improve diversification and manage risks. This is the case of Emerging Market (EM) corporate bonds. The sustained deepening of the asset class will make it even harder to ignore as an attractive investment opportunity. Alongside this growth, the increasing variety of EM corporate issuers offers continued opportunities for investors to diversify.

  • High yield where the income continues to flow
    White papers

    High yield: where the income continues to flow

    2019-10-24T10:49:00Z By Pictet Asset Management

    High yield debt is one of the few markets offering positive real income.

  • Core Matters Investment Returns: A 5-year perspective
    White papers

    Core Matters Investment Returns: A 5-year perspective

    2019-10-17T13:06:00Z By Generali Investments

    2019 has seen huge inflows into Fixed Income (FI) funds and outflows from Equities. From a medium-term return perspective this makes no sense. The formidable demand for safe assets reflects cyclical and structural forces (e.g. ageing). No matter the economic scenario, FI returns over the next five years are ...

  • Emerging Markets Sovereign Debt: Does Active Management Pay
    White papers

    Emerging Markets Sovereign Debt: Does Active Management Pay?

    2019-10-10T09:24:00Z By Barings

    The performance of Emerging Markets Sovereign Debt can—and does—vary widely from country to country. In this piece, Barings’ Cem Karacadag explores how an active approach can be key to selecting the most attractive opportunities, while also avoiding the bad apples.