All North America articles – Page 23
White papers
Global Market Outlook for 2017
William Blair Economist Olga Bitel and Portfolio Manager Simon Fennell shared their perspectives on changes in the global marketplace.
White papers
Cross Asset: 2017 and beyond
In an ultra-low or even negative interest rate environment, maintaining an overweight stance in emerging market assets (equities, debt and currencies), in credit (vs. government bonds) still makes sense, while continuing our search for yield and spreads.
White papers
U.S. Election Cycle Ends With a Bang
With an early morning concession call to Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton brought to a close an election cycle unlike any in recent memory.
Asset Manager News
Timbercreek Asset Management Expands Global Team with Two Senior Hires
Timbercreek Asset Management today announced the appointment of two new senior hires who will help execute on strategies to build and grow the firm both domestically and abroad.
White papers
Recent Macro Trends Should Persist in 2017
Portfolio Manager Ken McAtamney expects a number of recent macroeconomic and market trends to persist in 2017, including a modestly positive uptrend in inflation and a continuation of equity-market leadership.
White papers
Investment Implications of the U.S. Elections
In this commentary, we use game theory to scrutinize the strategic interactions of the parties involved in the upcoming U.S. elections and analyze the investment implications of a win by either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump.
White papers
Taxable U.S. municipal bonds make sense for non-U.S. investors
As global investors continue to face falling, low, and negative interest rates, the need for alternative investments to enhance portfolio returns and performance has heightened.
White papers
Global Real Estate Summary: Edition 2 2016
In a hypothetical asset market exam, the fundamentals for good quality commercial real estate would definitely get a passing grade.
White papers
Adding flavor to your portfolio: All you need to know about real estate
For institutional investment purposes, real estate usually refers to the commercial sectors of office, retail, industrial (including logistics) and the leased (rather than owner occupied) residential sector. Increasingly, real estate investment also refers to debt secured against property assets and other niche sectors such as student accommodation, hotels or healthcare.
White papers
Global Market Update: Taking Stock After Brexit
Portfolio managers Simon Fennell and Casey Preyss provide a mid-year follow-up to our Global Market Outlook. Learn how we got where we are in 2016 and what we can expect for the remainder of the year.
White papers
European Real Estate Quarterly: Q1 2016
Towards the end of 2015 and into Q1 2016 there have been an increasing number of commentators speculating that the world economy is on the cusp of a new recession, triggered by slowing emerging market economies.
White papers
The case for global real estate
Stronger diversification and a wider opportunity set are just two of the reasons to consider investing globally.
White papers
Global cities: Superior returns in top cities
The world is moving away from sovereign borders and is becoming defined by economically powerful global cities.
White papers
Real Estate Market Outlook: Continental Europe
Eurozone economic growth is on a gradual upwards path, supported by the European Central Bank’s extension of the quantitative easing stimulus programme through to 2017, and by the recent interest rate cuts.
White papers
Global Economic Overview: Spring 2016
The world economy stumbled in 2015, amid weak aggregate demand, falling commodity prices and increasing economic volatility in major countries. The world GDP grew by 3.1% vs. 3.4% in 2014.
White papers
Global Real Estate Summary: Edition 1 2016
The global economy is relatively healthy, despite the fact that in most major economies domestic demand is expanding at a rate below its 10-year (or longer) average.
White papers
Is the New GICS Sector Worth $100 Billion?
In a fitting time almost 25 years after the Kimco IPO kicked off the start of the modern REIT era, the Real Estate sector has matured enough to garner a home of its own.
White papers
Basis Trade at Index Close (BTIC) Trading at Index Option Expirations
Most index options traders use index futures for hedging purposes.
White papers
Automation and Real Estate – the rise of the machines
This paper considers the impact of computing and robotics advances on the workforce and how this will influence real estate markets.
White papers
The Opportunity of REITs: Thinking Beyond Stocks and Bonds
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) add diversification and can reduce volatility in investment portfolios, complementing traditional assets while capturing the benefits unique to real estate.