All India articles – Page 2
Asset Manager News
Actis To Acquire A Portfolio Of Operational Hybrid Annuity Model Road Assets In India
Actis, a leading global investor in sustainable infrastructure, is acquiring a portfolio of operational Indian Hybrid Annuity Model (HAM) road assets from Patel Infrastructure Limited (PIL), to expand their long-life infrastructure footprint in Asia.
White papers
India outperforming in H2 so far
”India is a long-term story supported by structural factors, domestic demand, and stable policymaking that should offer opportunities in 2024 and beyond.”
White papers
From Chai to Chips: “Make in India” Brews Up a Tech Revolution
Read more on how India is emerging as a potential future global manufacturing powerhouse.
White papers
India: an ESG landscape in transformation
The Indian government’s policy commitments around renewables, healthcare and financial inclusion present ample opportunities for companies to align with the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
White papers
ESG Materiality H1 2023: Spotlight on India
In the latest issue we reflect on the 2023 corporate governance trends across emerging markets and put the spotlight on India, examining key ESG risks and opportunities in one of the world’s most exciting markets.
White papers
Indian assets are poised for growth in investors’ portfolios
Investors’ attention should be turning to India, which has overtaken China as the world’s most populous country. The country has a lot more going for it than just demographics. We expect GDP growth will average 5.2% per year over the next decade, compared with 3.7% for emerging economies, and a modest 1% for developed markets.
White papers
Building bridges to India’s future investment opportunities
India’s strong demographics and role in the geopolitical arena make it a long-term opportunity for global investors.
White papers
Why India: investing in the Indian subcontinent
Investment returns in the subcontinent have been Index returns since 31 December 1992 primarily driven by India since she liberalised her economy in 1991.
White papers
India 5G: Data Is the New Oil
While India is set to overtake China to become the world’s most populous country in April as forecast by the United Nations, it is also keen to establish its position in the 5G landscape. Following rapid 5G deployment in China, the U.S. and other pioneering countries in 2019, India is now leading a new wave of 5G network rollouts. The government concluded its largest-ever spectrum auction in August 2022, and 5G services are already available in 13 cities.
White papers
India’s star shines as stocks reach an all-time high
Indian equities surge this year as economy becomes an attractive alternative for investors moving away from China.
White papers
India’s real estate resurgence in eight charts
After a protracted downturn, the property market has started to gain traction as demand to build new homes picks up.
White papers
Why investors should look at Indian assets
India is the fifth-largest economy in the world, according to the World Bank, in terms of nominal 2019 GDP in dollars, and ranks second by population (1.38bn). Although it is one of the world’s fastest-growing economies, its GDP per capita is more than 29x and 4x lower than the USt or China, respectively (also according to the World Bank, nominal 2019 per-capita GDP in dollars). The potential for a catch-up in income over the next decades looks huge.
White papers
Will India be the next high-growth emerging market?
After a slowdown in 2019 and a harsh lockdown in 2020, India may be poised to regain its place among the fastest-growing emerging markets.
White papers
Emerging woes
China and India are jostling for greater geopolitical influence, within the emerging world and beyond. Their ambitions are manifold. For instance, China aims to lead the world in AI technology, India to take China’s manufacturing mantle. But over the long run, they won’t achieve their aims through armed conflict on some high Himalayan glacier.
White papers
India in 2020: Active Perspectives on India’s Evolution
In India 2020: A Vision for the New Millennium, A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and Y.S. Rajan detailed how India could become a developed country and one of the world’s four largest economies by 2020. Here, our team shares their thoughts about India’s potential.
White papers
Global Environmental Opportunities: transforming sustainable investment
Kanpur in northern India is known as the Manchester of the East. Located on the banks of the Ganges river, it is home to various heavy industries, including leather, chemicals and fertilisers. But, unlike its English twin, the Indian city’s economic heft brings enormous side-effects.
White papers
Investors: the new guardians of the environment
In an opinion piece for the Thomson Reuters Foundation, Pictet Asset Management CEO Laurent Ramsey says investors are uniquely placed to change the world for the better, if they use the right tools.
White papers
Indian elections: political continuity is positive but reform is what matters most
Prime Minister Modi led the NDA to a sweeping victory, with a full majority in Parliament and therefore significant political capital. There was some apprehension in the market ahead of the election and a clear majority will certainly soothe nerves.
White papers
Responsible Returns: Better Stocks for a Better World
Many equity investors want to help create social benefits while generating strong returns. Achieving these twin goals requires a coherent investment approach. In this paper, we outline a process designed to effectively integrate environmental, social and governance factors in a sustainable equity strategy. Using stock examples, we demonstrate how to identify companies that support the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and offer sources of long-term return potential.
White papers
India: Rupee Faces Significant Risks from April Elections
Indians go the polls in April to elect a new leadership. Can Prime Minister Modi’s party win an outright majority or will India have a coalition government?
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