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Actis is a leading global investor in sustainable infrastructure, delivering competitive returns for institutional investors and measurable positive impact for the countries, cities and communities in which it operates. Actis invests in structural themes that support long-term, equitable growth in defensive, critical infrastructure across energy transition, digitalization transition, and supply chain transformation.

The firm’s decades of global experience, operational know-how and strong culture allows it to create global sustainability leaders at scale. Since inception, Actis has raised $25 billion to invest in a better tomorrow. Actis is a signatory to the United Nations backed Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI), an investor initiative developed by the UNEP FI. The firm has consistently been awarded the highest rating score in the UNPRI independent assessment.

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Vision and beliefs

We transform infrastructure for a better tomorrow.

We are builders and operators

  • We have an industrialist mindset. Our sector expertise equips us to deliver pragmatic solutions; attract and work effectively with the best management teams; and to drive value through operational improvements.

We create sustainability leaders

  • We have a long-standing culture of pioneering sustainability. Sustainability is fully integrated into every investment decision that we make. We don’t just want our portfolio companies to become good in a specific market, we want them to become global best-in-class. We infuse our sustainable leadership in our portfolio companies, giving them access to our broader network of sustainability leaders. We define and measure how we transform our portfolio companies and assets into sustainability leaders. Our best practice frameworks create long term sustainable value.

We unlock global opportunities

  • We invest where we see the best risk-adjusted returns. In general, this is in our tradition target markets, but this can take us to global markets. We have a long history of building businesses and operating assets across the world. We invest thematically in sustainable infrastructure, pursuing the most attractive risk-return profile and unlocking opportunities wherever we find them.