Fixed Income – Page 30
White papers
360° fixed income report Q1 2023: Inflation, disinflation, inflection
In the latest edition of our 360° report, the team reflect on what has been a promising start for fixed income in 2023. Can the rally sustain, has too much of the good news already been priced in, and what will shape the narrative over the course of this year?
White papers
Politics, Deficits and the Debt Limit
We firmly believe that Congress will ultimately raise the debt limit, but it’s worth remembering that political drama affects markets.
White papers
High yield bonds vs. leveraged bank loans: Is now the time to rotate?
Over the last two years, leveraged U.S. bank loans (“loans”) have outperformed their high yield bond counterparts; however, we believe this trend may be coming to an end. The relative outperformance of loans during this period was primarily a function of duration, or more notably in 2022, the lack of duration.
White papers
Climate Transition Credit at Allspring
Investors can pursue both their climate objectives and financial goals through their bond allocations. In this blog post, we outline the opportunity in climate transition credit.
White papers
Non-Investment Grade Defaults: Up From the Lows, but Contained
With defaults rising off of all-time lows, but likely remaining well below recession norms, we remain constructive on high yield and non-investment grade credit.
White papers
Emerging Markets Debt: will 2023’s bright start last the course?
Maybe it’s an optimistic time of the year or maybe it’s just a good investment case? Whatever you identify as the driver, there is no denying that 2023 has begun in extraordinary fashion for emerging markets debt (EMD).
White papers
Insurance Asset Allocation in the New Regime
After a year in which fixed income yields and capital market assumptions adjusted dramatically to a new regime, we believe it’s an opportune time to re-think insurance asset allocation.
White papers
Italy: where prudence meets potential
Italy’s large dependence on Russian gas and other commodity imports left it vulnerable to the war in Ukraine.
White papers
China’s Reopening Bodes Well for Asian Fixed-Income Markets
Markets have responded warmly to China’s easing of its zero-COVID policy, although it’s not clear yet how quickly or smoothly the country’s economy will recover. While some bumps in the road are likely, we expect China’s reopening could lead to further gains in Asian credit and currencies in 2023.
White papers
Can inflation end without a meaningful increase in unemployment?
In the latest instalment of Simply put, where we make macro calls with a multi-asset perspective, we ask whether a shared belief in the prospect of a soft-landing is enough to bring it about.
White papers
European leveraged loans: Defensive against rising rates and uncertainty?
2022 represented the end of the more than decade-long bull run and the impact for European loans was a dislocation to yields of c.10%. For long-term investors, we believe this provides an interesting investment opportunity for a senior secured defensive asset class with typically higher risk-adjusted returns than comparable credit risk asset classes.
White papers
Extinguishing the flame: Has inflation peaked?
Despite further hikes, markets are factoring in a less hawkish approach from central banks.
White papers
What is a CLO?
CLOs provide an efficient, scalable way of investing in floating-rate loans while offering structural protection that has historically performed well through multiple credit cycles.
White papers
Firmer foundations for China’s property market in 2023
The Chinese property sector has been in the headlines over the past year, and not for the right reasons.
White papers
Convertible bonds: the weather forecast for 2023
Convertible bonds are an all-weather instrument. The optionality embedded in this asset class helped returns and provided a cushion during the challenges of the past two years.
White papers
EMs with stronger fundamentals should see inflows
Global ownership of EM bonds stands at its lowest point in close to a decade
White papers
Fixed Income Perspectives January 2023
Global growth is expected to weaken as central banks remain restrictive, though many economies have shown more resilience than previously expected Inflation should continue to lose steam in 2023, although it may remain uncomfortably high relative to central bank targets Higher yields and relative value opportunities offer better return ...
White papers
There IS an Alternative: Fixed Income Road Map - 2023
Bonds yields in many sectors rose in 2022. Finally, for investors who’d needed to seek income outside of fixed income markets, There Is an Alternative. Allspring fixed income leaders identify potential opportunities.
White papers
European interest rates: Increased dispersion presents opportunities
Global investment-grade corporates staged a strong rally in the fourth quarter of 2022, ending three quarters of negative returns.