All Core articles
White papers
Outlook 2025: Highlights and investment implications
Two major uncertainties lie at the heart of the global economic and investment outlook - to what extent will US President-elect Donald Trump translate campaign promises into policy and how successful will China be in reigniting its economy?
White papers
Core and core-plus real estate: Enhancing diversification in institutional portfolios
As global economic growth is anticipated to stabilize and expand, commercial real estate is poised to recover following a difficult period of pricing correction. Investors should consider core and core-plus strategies to enhance their real estate portfolios.
White papers
A core allocation to CTAs might be as wise as going tactical
Timing CTAs is notoriously challenging. We review the pros and cons of several allocation methods to CTAs.
White papers
PM Spotlight: The Upside of Volatility
Maulik Bhansali, Portfolio Manager, co-manages Allspring’s Core Fixed Income team. Read about how he and the team focus on security selection to drive alpha—especially as volatility rises.
White papers
How to Prepare for Market Volatility Before It Strikes Again
When markets are rising, investors don’t always prepare for turbulence. Yet we think the best time to build a defensive plan for an equity allocation is before volatility strikes.
White papers
10 investment themes for 2023
Although many investors are expecting a return to normal after inflation subsides and central banks stop raising interest rates, we believe markets are undergoing significant changes and it might be necessary to reset expectations in this new environment.
White papers
Insurance Asset Allocation in the New Regime
After a year in which fixed income yields and capital market assumptions adjusted dramatically to a new regime, we believe it’s an opportune time to re-think insurance asset allocation.
White papers
How to Calculate the Most Important Number You Need to Know
For better or worse, the path of this year’s U.S. Consumer Price Index will determine the level of markets.
White papers
More Volatility Ahead? Buckle Up with Defensive Equities
After a tumultuous 2022, investors are hoping for an eventual end to monetary tightening, and with it, a reprieve from brutal market volatility. But since corporate earnings are still adjusting to a new regime, the road will be bumpy. What can equity investors do to reduce risk?
White papers
Real Estate: How To Cope With Converging European Rates Of Return?
Over the last few years, the European real estate market has been characterized by diversity. Today, however, it seems to be significantly evolving. Real estate rates of return are converging downwards in the main EU countries, which causes worry among investors seeking at least consistent levels of performance. To cope with this convergence, with the pressure on rents and with the prospect of a hike in interest rates, Amundi is convinced one needs to go back to the fundamentals of real estate investment. This means favouring high-quality core assets, while focusing on geographic and sectorial diversity, in order to provide investors with both protection and return, says Jean-Marc Coly, CEO of Amundi Real Estate.
Asset Manager News
Barings Acquires French Courier Portfolio from BNP Paribas REIM
Barings, one of the world’s largest diversified real estate investment managers, announces the acquisition of three Grade A courier assets located in the French cities of Paris, Lyon and Poitiers. The high quality assets were purchased on behalf of institutional clients for a core investment strategy from an OPCI (a French REIT), managed by BNP Paribas REIM. The three assets offer a total of 71,000 square meters of space and are fully let to Poste Immo, real estate subsidiary of Le Groupe La Poste, the French national postal service.
White papers
European Real Estate Equity: Uncovering Value City by City
Amid an uncertain macroeconomic backdrop, attractive value can still be found within European real estate—but it is important to consider sector and geography, and to partner with an active manager who has the flexibility to invest across different strategies and styles.
White papers
Factor Investing In European Offices Smart - Smart Beta Compared To Traditional Styles Q2 2019
In this report, we apply our new factor investing approach to close to 40 European office markets for the first time. This framework quantifies factors such as Volatility, Liquidity, Quality, Value, Yield and Growth. A comparison of our factor investing results to the traditional “core” and “value-add” investment styles is also provided.
White papers
A 360° view of global real estate
Access the full spectrum of today’s commercial real estate investment opportunities with Principal Real Estate Investors. We provide the reach, research, and returns you need to meet your investment goals.
Asset Manager News
UBS Asset Management and APG Asset Management establish a new real estate investment club focused on the Japanese multi-family market
The Japan multi-family investment club has secured USD 175 million commitment from APG Asset Management as a strategic partner The strategy seeks to capitalise on the compelling supply-demand dynamics in key Japanese multi-family sub-markets predominantly through a build-to-core strategy
White papers
Positioning for growth and opportunities
The last two decades saw the best and the worst of times for real estate markets globally. Most may recall vague scenes of the global financial crisis in 2007, which are now distant memories, as the world embarked on the next stage of economic expansion.
White papers
The big picture: Asia Pacific core real estate discussion series
Even though much has already been spoken about the coming Asia Pacific growth era, the investment universe is still caught in a tug-of-war between the familiar comforts of growth in the West and the alien new growth in the East.
Asset Manager News
UBS Asset Management closes second infrastructure fund-of-funds with EUR 368 million of commitments
APPIA II Global Infrastructure Portfolio seeks to provide a broad based exposure to the asset class with a focus on Europe and North America
White papers
Opportunity amidst converging returns and shrinking risk premia
In the early months of 2018, economic fundamentals are supportive of another solid year of real estate performance. But monetary conditions are tightening and our central preoccupation persists: how will this affect the risk premium for real estate?
Core/core plus investment tables 2017
Top managers with core/core plus investments in the Top 100 Real Estate Investment Managers survey 2017