People (6)

  • Sébastien Eisinger

    Managing Partner and Co-Chief Executive Officer

    Sébastien Eisinger has been a Managing Partner of the Pictet Group since 1 April 2019 and co-heads Pictet Asset Management (Pictet AM) with Raymond Sagayam, sharing responsibility for the Group’s asset management business line.

  • Raymond Sagayam

    Managing Partner and Co-Chief Executive Officer

    Raymond Sagayam joined Pictet Asset Management in 2010 as Head of Total Return Fixed Income. In January 2017 he was appointed Chief Investment Officer of Fixed Income. He became a Managing Partner of the Pictet Group in January 2024.

  • Niall Quinn

    Head of Institutional ex-Japan

    Niall Quinn is Head of Institutional and a member of the Executive Committee of Pictet Asset Management. He has overall responsibility for institutional client business development and relationship management.

  • Philippe de Weck

    Chief Investment Officer - Equities

    Philippe de Weck is the Chief Investment Officer – Equities and a member of the Executive Committee of Pictet Asset Management.

  • Olivier Ginguené

    Chief Investment Officer - Asset Allocation & Quantitative Investments

    Olivier Ginguené is Chief Investment Officer for Asset Allocation and Quantitative Investments, Chairman of the Pictet Asset Management Strategy Unit and a member of the Executive Committee of Pictet Asset Management. He joined Pictet Asset Management in 2003.

  • Mary-Therese Barton

    Chief Investment Officer - Fixed Income

    Mary-Therese Barton was appointed Chief Investment Officer -Fixed income in 2023. Prior to this she was Head of Emerging Market Fixed Income. She joined Pictet Asset Management in 2003.