Content (12)
White papers
Private equity fosters agritech innovation
The growth of impact investing in private equity strategies is enabling a broader set of investors to benefit from companies delivering transformative agritech solutions and regenerating broken food systems.
White papers
Are bonds back for H2?
We see opportunities across the market but believe having clear geographic distinctions will prove a key performance driver.
White papers
Which matters more, top-down or bottom-up?
As an active credit manager, bottom-up analysis is always going to be a core part of our investment process – we add alpha for our clients through careful security selection. But given today’s macro environment has diverged so much from historical norms and is on the verge of shifting again as monetary loosening gathers momentum, what role does a top-down view play and is it more important than bottom-up calls?
White papers
Agritech: Specialist Investors Reset Valuations
Agritech is an industry that offers some amazing innovations and lots of theoretical potential, but successful investments must be grounded in reality.
White papers
AT1s: Finding the Risk/Reward Sweet Spot
It’s been over a year since Credit Suisse; subordinated financials once again offer significant potential for credit experts with the tools to identify the right paper while riding the volatility.
White papers
Biden vs Trump: Which Sectors Could Benefit?
With their opposing views, it could be either ‘more of the same’ or a sea change at the sector level, whereas we’d expect the central bank impact to be less radical.
White papers
AGRITECH: Growing market players = collaboration, not competition
Tackling the world’s broken food systems is an enormous challenge – more quality players in the agritech space are helping to drive change, fuel knowledge sharing and reduce transaction risk.
White papers
M&A wave could enhance convertible bond returns in 2024
Takeover activity was strong in 2023, both among private equity and strategic buyers. The outlook for this year looks just as promising, in our view, reflecting the recent improvements in liquidity and economic conditions. There is a large amount of dry powder to be deployed, and the hope that interest rates are stabilising should build market confidence, although the Federal Reserve has been unwilling to provide reassurances on this.
White papers
High yield: differentiation returns to drive the next leg of performance
European high yield has outperformed the US this year, which in itself is a pretty rare occurrence. But things get even more interesting when you look at what’s driving those returns.
White papers
French mortgage rates fall rapidly in Q1
Q1 data suggests the market has reached a turning point, supporting demand for new-home sales to private individuals.
White papers
Applying an insider’s mindset to deliver mass-market change
Combining on-the-ground farming knowledge with investment expertise is what we believe sets agritech strategies apart.
White papers
High yield: no impending “maturity wall”
We see little reason for concern as well-run global high yield corporates should be able to afford high financing costs.