Content (19)

  • Article-Hero-1200x406-Monthly-June24

    White papers

    Economic Monthly: Strength or Softness?


    Consumers have still not run out of runway. Despite having burned through the famous “excess savings” from pandemic-era stimulus, and despite a softer labor market, we continue to see consumers willing and able to spend. As we elaborate below, continued credit availability, investment spending and the labor market provide enough space for households to maintain their spending habits for the next several months.

  • Zambia hero

    White papers

    Zambia: A Resource-Rich Copper Giant Awakens


    Boasting Africa’s second-largest reserves of copper, Zambia has a unique opportunity to leverage its natural resource endowment and make real progress on the road to development. Despite some near-term challenges, we believe this landlocked nation in Southern Africa is on the rise, tackling debt, investing in its future, and capitalizing on its abundant resources. 

  • Driving Sustainable Outcomes- Infrastructure Debt and the Sustainable Development Goals

    White papers

    Driving Sustainable Outcomes: Infrastructure Debt and the Sustainable Development Goals


    Infrastructure investment is vital for enhancing quality of life, driving economic development and promoting social equity. It fundamentally shapes how we live, how economies function and the inclusivity and resilience of our communities and environment. To meet global infrastructure needs, including the UN Sustainable Development Goals, an estimated $97 trillion in investment is needed by 2040.

  • Economic Monthly Flying Blind

    White papers

    Economic Monthly: Flying Blind


    The U.S. Federal Reserve (the Fed) has reduced the pace of quantitative tightening (QT), the European Central Bank (ECB), and potentially even the Bank of England (BoE), could begin cuts as soon as next month, and the dot plot shows the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) cutting rates later this year.

  • The Winds of Change- A Closer Look at European Renewable Energy Financing

    White papers

    The Winds of Change: A Closer Look at European Renewable Energy Financing


    Guy Haselmann, Head of Thought Leadership at MetLife Investment Management (MIM), recently sat down with Giulia Noli, Director in EMEA Infrastructure, to discuss the current environment for lending to European renewable energy projects.

  • Economic Monthly Businesses Ride to the Rescue

    White papers

    Economic Monthly Businesses Ride to the Rescue


    We now expect the economy to avoid a recession in 2024. Businesses are emerging as a backstop. High and rising profit margins, a rebounding manufacturing sector, and a resilient services sector present the opportunity to maintain labor force expansion and, with it, consumer spending.

  • article-hero-1200x406-relativevalue-2q24

    White papers

    Relative Value & Tactical Asset Allocation Q2 2024


    Global Economy is Weighed Down by Geopolitical Crises and Policy Uncertainties

  • article-hero-1200x406-decarb

    White papers

    Decarbonization Metrics for Real Estate Investment


    Goal Setting for a Portfolio in the Context of Absolute vs. Intensity Metrics

  • A World in Debt- US Treasuries


    A World in Debt: US Treasuries


    Guy:  Welcome everyone to the “MIM Cuts to the Chase” podcast series. I’m your host, Guy Haselmann, and today we will discuss and unravel the US Treasury Bond market – which I often refer to as “the most important market in the world”. In light of the record-breaking U.S. Treasury issuance and looming large fiscal deficits, I think our discussion here couldn’t be timelier.

  • Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 16.21.38

    White papers

    A Second Trump Presidency? Potential Economic Effects


    President Trump could win the 2024 presidential election. When the incumbent presidential party presides over an improvement in the unemployment rate, it is likely to be returned to power. With unemployment at historic lows, unemployment is likely to get worse, creating headwinds for a Biden re-election.

  • Screenshot 2024-03-08 at 16.17.59

    White papers

    Strategic Asset Allocation: Balancing Art and Science


    Guy Haselmann, Head of Thought Leadership at MetLife Investment Management (MIM), recently sat down with Ruth Farrugia, Global Head of Insurance Asset Management at MIM, to discuss strategic asset management for Insurance Companies.

  • Screenshot 2024-02-20 at 14.36.19

    White papers

    Robust Jobs and Tight Credit: Will the Consumer Keep Spending?


    Economic reports have been promising so far this year, with consumers shored up by a robust job market. An alien (one that has studied intergalactic macroeconomics) landing on Earth might even wonder why the Federal Reserve isn’t hiking rates given above-2% inflation and low unemployment.