Fine Grain’s Colin MacDonald on Championing Ireland’s FDI Future

Fine Grain Property CEO, Colin MacDonald, spoke with about championing Ireland as a key location for multinational investment, what the next phase for business park development is, and how a return to work will likely centre on a blended approach that presents new design challenges for optimising the workspace. 

In recent days IDA Ireland revealed that foreign direct investment (FDI) for the first half of 2021 has returned almost to 2019’s record levels despite business uncertainty caused by the pandemic. In the first six months of the year142 investments were won, with associated employment potential of over 12,530 jobs.

While much has been debated about the future of work and how hybrid workplaces and workplaces will function, Fine Gain Property CEO Colin MacDonald believes that the idea of of having a place in the workplace needs to be stronger than ever as we face the ‘new normal’ of a post-Covid world.

You can now read the full press release at the link below