DeA Capital Real Estate: Demographics are destiny

DeA Capital Real Estate works with selected third-party institutional investors across Europe, with a total AuM of E13.5bn. Emanuele Caniggia and Emanuele Dubini, CEO and CIO respectively of DeA Capital Real Estate, explain why their international platform is driven by demographics and macroeconomics. 

DeA Capital Real Estate is the leading independent asset manager in Italian real estate. Backed by De Agostini, an international and diversified group with a strong alternative asset management arm and longstanding family wealth, the company decided to grow organically into Europe six years ago, and today has offices in France, Spain, Poland, Germany and the UK. 

“Rather than concentrating on increasing by a few percentage points in our home market, we decided to go cross-border and build an international platform,” says CEO Emanuele Caniggia. 

Experienced heads such as Emanuelle Dubini, whose previous posts include leading GE’s real estate business in the region and head of capital markets at BNP Paribas, were brought in to establish national centres. 

“The task was to get our name out there,” says Caniggia. “Senior recruits have brought us links to the right brokers, advisers and notaries. Our country executives are entrepreneurs that have substantial stakes in the business. All in all, this is more ‘skin in the game’ to reassure clients that their interests and our interests are mutually aligned.” 

Read the full ‘Thought Leadership’ article at the link below

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