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  • Webcast – Unpacking recent global economic trends


    Webcast – Unpacking recent global economic trends


    In this second webcast in our Global Macro Views series, economists from our Macro Research & Investment Strategy team give their views on topics including the outlook for a resilient US economy and the effects of November’s election on interest rate policy. They discuss the signs of an economic pick-up in the eurozone economy and the chances of growth in China hitting Beijing’s 5% target.

  • Fixed Income – A new era for bonds

    White papers

    Fixed Income – A new era for bonds


    Surging inflation brought an end to the decade-long era of low bond yields. In the decade ahead, we believe bond yields will not return to the near-zero levels of the recent past or see the steady capital appreciation which marked the prior 30 years. Instead, our view is that inflation and real yields are more likely to remain closer to their long-term averages, supported by central bank policy, changing supply/demand dynamics, and the risk that inflation could spike again. 

  • Fixed Income Outlook – Be selective on emerging market debt

    White papers

    Fixed Income Outlook – Be selective on emerging market debt


    Given the recent strong performance for emerging market bonds, we have tempered our optimism about the potential for further spread tightening among the higher-rated segments. We remain, however, constructive on the asset class as a whole and still see attractive opportunities among lower-rated sovereign bonds, as well as selected local currency bonds.

  • IT – A major greenhouse gas emitter hiding in plain sight

    White papers

    IT – A major greenhouse gas emitter hiding in plain sight


    Many activities have a clear impact on climate, but for some, this is more obvious than for others. What, for example, are the CO2 emissions of reading this article on a mobile? Or of the electricity powering datacentres and networks? Their carbon footprint is larger than you think. Plenty of opportunities for asset managers that can identify companies able to benefit from the related decarbonisation tailwinds, writes Berenice Lasfargues.  

  • Fixed Income Outlook – Corporate bonds still a bright spot

    White papers

    Fixed Income Outlook – Corporate bonds still a bright spot


    We expect corporate bonds to deliver positive returns in the coming quarters, primarily due to the attractive yields. With money market rates becoming less attractive as interest rate cuts loom, further supporting inflows into corporate bonds look likely.  

  • Fixed Income Outlook – Not as planned

    White papers

    Fixed Income Outlook – Not as planned


    Another higher-than-expected US inflation number means the US Federal Reserve should be in no rush to cut rates before price pressures subside. With the risk of inflation continuing to surprise to the upside in the near term, we now expect benchmark 10-year yields to potentially retrace to 4.75%, at which point we would likely again go overweight duration.  

  • Quenching the semiconductor industry’s thirst

    White papers

    Quenching the semiconductor industry’s thirst


    Innovative technologies are reducing the environmental impact of a water-intensive industry critical to the modern economy, writes Justin Winter, Senior Portfolio Manager at Impax Asset Management.  

  • bridge_on_the_river-scaled


    Webcast – The global macroeconomic outlook for 2024


    In this webcast, economists from our Macro Research & Investment Strategy team give their views on the economic situation and outlook for China, the US, the eurozone, the UK and emerging markets.  

  • Confronting the ‘China bear’

    White papers

    Confronting the ‘China bear’


    Given China’s clouded economic outlook and the now deeply depressed ratios on Chinese equities, should investors remain negative on the Chinese market much longer? While it may be too early to become a ‘China bull’, recent domestic policy and geopolitical developments may start chasing away the ‘China bear’. So, what has changed?

  • Dare to diversify

    White papers

    Dare to diversify


    ‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket’, or at least not too many eggs, is a widely known maxim. These days, however, a benchmarked global equity portfolio has a very high share of US ‘eggs’. The market capitalisation of the MSCI World and MSCI All Country World indices represented by the US is at all time highs. The large weight partly reflects highly valued mega-tech and artificial intelligence companies. 

  • ETF investing – How AI and 3D printing are shaping the future of healthcare

    White papers

    ETF investing – How AI and 3D printing are shaping the future of healthcare


    Genomic engineering is the manipulation of an organism’s genes by introducing, eliminating or rearranging specific genes using the methods of modern molecular biology. The technology will enable the analysis of patients’ DNA, and the diagnosis and treatment of diseases. And what’s good for patients can also be interesting for investors.  

  • Fixed Income Quarterly – Emerging market bonds- a return of flows

    White papers

    Fixed Income Quarterly – Emerging market bonds: a return of flows


    Emerging market (EM) sovereign and corporate bonds saw a broad-based rally in the final months of 2023 as investors became more certain the US Federal Reserve (Fed) would be able to pivot to easier monetary policy in 2024.