Alternatives – Page 16
White papers
Uninvestable Russia
We survey the impact on worldwide fixed income markets of the devastation in Ukraine and the sanctions against Russia, and send our thoughts to those in the heart of the conflict.
White papers
If Sanctions Didn’t Stop the War, They Can Still Shape the Peace
After Ukraine’s allies decide how much to ratchet up pressure on Russia, they will face tough choices on how to ratchet down.
White papers
EU policymakers may look to mitigate economic shock
Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, which has become Europe’s largest ground war in generations, has impacted millions of people and triggered a large-scale humanitarian crisis as vulnerable Ukrainians take shelter or flee their homes. The intensification and spread of the conflict is deeply troubling and is having a devastating impact on those people caught in the crisis.
White papers
Investing in natural capital
Investments in sustainably managed timberland and farmland can play a vital role in improving the world’s natural capital while allowing investors to benefit from long-term global trends that will help them achieve their investment objectives.
White papers
21st century investment governance for large asset owners
The past decade has brought profound change for asset owners of all kinds. The regulatory, social, and economic landscapes have fundamentally shifted, and the investment universe has expanded significantly. These changes pose major challenges to in-house teams at large asset owners including DB pension plan sponsors, insurers, sovereign wealth funds, and wealth management firms.
White papers
What is place-based impact investing?
Place-based impact investing can help real estate investors deliver clear and measurable improvements to deprived areas. But how does it work?
White papers
Responsible investment: themes to look out for in 2022
Responsible investment issues tend to have a long time horizon. However, we have identified key issues and opportunities we expect will drive change in the coming year.
White papers
Supply Chain Strain in Commodities
Cyclical commodity prices have surged amidst pressure from multiple fronts. While COVID has certainly exacerbated the typical mismatch between the timing of supply and the growth in demand, the deviation has been further strained by environmental considerations that have limited supply development.
White papers
Supply Chain Strain: Overview
Exploring how disruptions in the manufacturing, labor, and commodities markets may affect inflation and fixed-income investments.
White papers
European strategic sovereignty must be an investment opportunity
The concept of strategic sovereignty goes far beyond the issues of security and defence. It also assumes relative self-sufficiency, and the ability to impose one’ standards and to create global leaders in tomorrow’s ecosystems. This political objective must be founded on economic reality and will first require new investment momentum in Europe.
White papers
Investment Symposium Series – Biodiversity, food and health: The crucial pieces of the 1.5°C jigsaw
Boosting investment in restoring Earth’s biodiverse natural capital, so as to transition urgently towards a healthy, sustainable food future as well as keeping global warming to 1.5°C, is absolutely critical.
White papers
How the ESG data dilemma rewards active and engaged investors
What you can measure you can manage. In responsible investment that has steadily become a practical reality, but thoughtful and analytical management is still required to make sense of sometimes uneven inputs and difficult comparisons.
White papers
ESG Thema #7 - ESG Corporate Disclosure: Towards more demanding and harmonized reporting
The 21st century company is one that must go beyond considerations of financial profitability, ensuring that the ecosystem in which it operates is preserved.
White papers
ESG investing: Why we believe an active approach is optimal
The ‘active versus passive’ investing debate is well documented and has rumbled on for years. However, when it comes to investing from an environmental, social and governance (ESG) perspective, we firmly believe active investing is the optimal route.
White papers
Bitcoin, A Cornerstone Digital Asset: Part 4
Could Bitcoin options be the “picks and shovels” of the cryptocurrency Gold Rush, a way to convert Bitcoin from a “get rich” to a “stay rich” asset?
White papers
Natural Resources: Bridging the Gap to a Cleaner Future
There is a strong case to be made that resources companies are part of the solution—not the problem—when it comes to tackling climate change.
White papers
To address climate change, we need to address social inequality
Two of the largest challenges society faces today – climate change and social inequality – can benefit from a joint approach, particularly as investors may have to navigate enhanced regulation in both areas, says Alex Bernhardt, global head of sustainability research.
White papers
ExxonMobil case study
We continue our longstanding dialogue with ExxonMobil through significant leadership changes at the board level
White papers
Does meeting the SDGs require new macroeconomics?
In 2015, world leaders developed 17 Sustainable Development Goals as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The SDGs set forth a blueprint for fostering a healthy planet and an equitable society – both critical for a healthy economy.
White papers
The wheels of a Circular Economy go round and round - N°4 The Electronics and ICT sector: designing a new matrix
Since the 1980’s, the electronics industry has grown dramatically and has benefited substantially from the linear economy by regularly offering new and better products, pushing consumers to renew their computer equipment (computers, smartphones, tablets, etc.) at an ever-increasing frequency. The extraction of materials, especially rare earths, the programmed obsolescence and the low recycling rate have become the industry norm.