Alternatives – Page 12
White papers
Impact Investing – Global Emerging Markets
“It’s one thing to feel that you are on the right path but it’s another to think that yours is the only path.” Paulo Coelho
White papers
Under Pressure
In this interview with AM Best, Ken Griffin discusses how the rise in interest rates has impacted insurers, and what the accounting and capital implications of this environment are.
White papers
Carbon capture and storage: Feasible, effective and investible?
In March 2023 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) said there are “multiple, feasible and effective options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and they are available now”. Niranjan Sirdeshpande, Head of Catalyst at M&G Investments, looks at investing in one of the newest options: carbon capture and storage.
White papers
Beyond the headlines: Five ESG investment perspectives
When it comes to ESG issues, much recent media coverage has understandably centred on energy transition and security. But, beyond the energy headlines, there are many other ESG-related considerations shaping investment opportunities across various sectors.
White papers
Private Placement Debt is an All-Weather Investment Strategy
The unique characteristics of private placement debt help position the asset class to perform well despite the potential for an economic slowdown or recession. Private placement debt is predominantly investment grade, comes with structural protections, and offers the potential for incremental income.
White papers
Biodiversity: It’s Time to Protect Our Only Home - N°5 Managing Biodiversity in the Insurance Sector
Based on our engagement sample, the insurance sector demonstrates a mixed bag of awareness on the topic of biodiversity. Some of the insurers are taking the subject of biodiversity very seriously, and have announced a specific biodiversity strategy and/or devoted significant resources to initiatives and research on the topic. On the other hand, some of the companies were surprised and uncomfortable by our enquiry as biodiversity is not yet on their radar screen.
White papers
Feeding the world and protecting the planet: A biodiversity and climate challenge for investors
The food industry reaches into every corner of our world. It starts with seed suppliers, fertilisers and tractor producers, continues with farmers and fishing communities, then shifts into processing and manufacturing before ending with retail customers, catering companies and restaurants.
White papers
Biodiversity investment case study: innovative urbanisation
Biodiversity is essential to human prosperity, enabling vital ecosystem services like pollination, flood protection, soil fertility and the production of food, fuel and medicines. In this case study on innovative urbanisation, we discuss ways that cities can integrate nature into the built environment, helping to halt and even reverse biodiversity loss.
White papers
Plastic wrap: scaling-up recycling, boosting biomanufacturing
Welcome to Plastic wrap, our bimonthly review of the science, policy and corporate activity pivotal in creating a circular plastics value chain.
White papers
When policy meets action: Seismic changes in the plastic recycling market
With many companies trailing their targets for reducing new plastic use, governments are implementing more ambitious targets for the use of recycled plastic content as the plastic packaging market continues to grow. Pyrolysis, a form of chemical recycling, could offer an innovative solution for dealing with hard-to-process mixed plastic waste.
White papers
The Role of Private Assets in Strategic Asset Allocation: a Macro Perspective
The appropriate weight of private assets in portfolios is arguably the key question for strategic asset allocation today. These investments were the fastest-growing share of many portfolios for the past decade: Will the abrupt change in investment regime and greater need for liquidity halt that increase?
White papers
How regulatory momentum is helping drive biodiversity-aware investment
Investments that take account of environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors have always gone hand-in-hand with public policy. As investors become increasingly aware of the potential financial effects of climate change, so too regulators begin to impose demands that echo the concerns and may harden those financial effects on asset prices.
White papers
Brazil: Lula 3.0 – Good news for climate and biodiversity?
Encompassing seven million square kilometres, the Amazon rainforest is the world’s largest forest formation, occupying around half of Brazil’s territory. According to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Brazil is the world’s most biodiverse country.
White papers
The Fluidity of Liquidity
To meet policyholder demands and terms of their financing arrangements, life insurers must maintain adequate levels of liquidity. Here are some reasons why today’s environment makes liquidity management so critical.
White papers
AXA IM Stewardship Report 2022
Against a tumultuous backdrop that has seen misgivings emerge about the case for environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing in certain parts of the world, we believe it is now more important than ever to positively influence company behaviour through effective and robust stewardship.
White papers
Why is agriculture such an important focus for the sustainability transition?
Agriculture intersects with several UN Sustainable Development Goals, in particular zero hunger, life on land and life below water, good health and responsible production. Around the world, more than 70% of freshwater supplies is used for agriculture and, according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the industry generates 22% of global greenhouse gas emissions. Without action, capping global warming at 1.5°C will be impossible and biodiversity loss will continue.
White papers
History Doesn’t Repeat, but It Often Rhymes
Diversification is often key to navigating down markets, but focusing on the mix of stocks and bonds may not be enough.
White papers
Why investing in biodiversity means looking at the solutions, not just the problems
Over half the value of the global economy – some $44trn – is potentially threatened to some extent by the loss of nature, according to the World Economic Forum. However, there is a significant shortfall in the value of current investments targeted at protecting the Earth’s biodiversity.
White papers
Why, and how, investors should integrate biodiversity into fixed income portfolios
One of the fundamental features of biodiversity is that it reaches into every part of our lives – and that means the impacts of biodiversity loss are felt across investment portfolios too. In our view there isn’t an asset class or sector that would not benefit from a close consideration of how those effects might change outcomes or affect financial returns.
White papers
Shifting the natural cost curve: The role of investors in protecting biodiversity
The damage caused by climate change to the planet, society and economic activity is becoming increasingly obvious every year. Floods and droughts, extreme temperatures and destructive storms all bring with them tangible impacts on people’s lives and livelihoods.