White papers - all assets – Page 144

  • Barings-Investing
    White papers

    Investing Through Climate Risk in Emerging Markets Debt

    2022-03-09T14:19:00Z By Barings

    In this Q&A from the Nordic Fund Selection Journal, Kawtar Ed-Dahmani and Ashwinder Bakhshi discuss where they’re seeing the most material effects from climate change across emerging markets debt today—and what they’re anticipating going forward.

  • Barings-months-when-decades_653x490
    White papers

    Months When Decades Happen

    2022-03-09T13:59:00Z By Barings

    Europe enters this dangerous period on solid footing. Unemployment is at record lows. Wage growth remains subdued. Russia’s war in Ukraine adds a strong inflation headwind to the ongoing expansion.

  • FH-In support of Ukraine
    White papers

    In support of Ukraine

    2022-03-09T10:36:00Z By Federated Hermes

    All of us at Federated Hermes have been disturbed by the unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by Russia. As shocking images of bombs demolishing buildings in Ukraine’s major cities and harrowing tales of refugees – including orphans – seeking safety beyond the borders of their homeland flood our televisions and social media feeds, we stand with the Ukrainian people on the side of freedom, independence and democracy and condemn the Russian government’s aggression. 

  • FH-ESG and inflation- An inconvenient truth?
    White papers

    ESG and inflation: An inconvenient truth?

    2022-03-09T10:27:00Z By Federated Hermes

    When it comes to ESG investing, we need to talk about the inflationary elephant in the room says Martin Todd, Portfolio Manager for Global Equity ESG.

  • Franklin Templeton-Market Outlook
    White papers

    Russia/Ukraine Conflict: Market Outlook

    2022-03-08T15:14:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    As the tragic crisis in Ukraine continues to unfold, Martin Currie offers our viewpoint on the potential market impacts, both near and longer-term.

  • FT-Energy-markets
    White papers

    Energy Markets in View

    2022-03-08T15:05:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    Energy prices have surged to multi-year or record highs amid the war, and many are wondering if they still have further to go.

  • FT-Geo-UK
    White papers

    Geopolitical Risks in the United Kingdom

    2022-03-08T14:58:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    As geopolitical tensions escalate across the globe, our UK Equity team provides its insights into Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the implications for UK-listed companies.

  • Franklin Templeton - Should we fear stagflation?
    White papers

    Quick Thoughts: Should We Fear Stagflation?

    2022-03-07T17:00:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    It is little surprise that the word “stagflation” is trending as the world grapples with the possibility of both slower economic growth and higher inflation.

  • Franklin Templeton - Brazil
    White papers

    Brazil: Worth a Closer Look

    2022-03-07T16:55:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    Franklin Templeton Emerging Markets Equity team weighs in on why Brazilian equities have managed to weather recent geopolitical storms.

  • FT-Brazil
    White papers

    Is Brazil Compellingly Out of Sync?

    2022-03-07T16:32:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    The Russia-Ukraine war has led to a surge in commodity prices, which means Brazil, a key commodity exporter, stands to benefit. Here, Dina Ting, Head of Global Index Portfolio Management, Franklin Templeton Exchange-Traded Funds, explores the outlook for Brazilian equities in light of recent events.

  • Amundi - Investment talks
    White papers

    Russia-Ukraine: an uncertain outcome calls for higher focus on liquidity

    2022-03-07T16:25:00Z By Amundi

    At the core of the crisis, Russian assets have become almost un-investible, with dramatic price action as the market attempts to grapple with uncertainty. European equities have suffered, anticipating the negative consequences of the war on corporate earnings, while also commodities trended higher with double digit rise across many commodities. A flight to safety move has benefited government bonds, with the US treasury yield and the Bund yield trending lower.

  • FT-ETF Observations on Russia
    White papers

    ETF Observations on Russia

    2022-03-07T16:24:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    Investors are reminded within the current environment to take a broad perspective across a variety of asset classes and geographies and to weigh short-term developments against longer-term factors.

  • FH-EOS Engagement Plan 2022-2024
    White papers

    EOS Engagement Plan 2022-2024

    2022-03-07T11:28:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Our engagement plan identifies 12 key themes and 37 related sub-themes. We find this breadth of coverage is necessary to reflect the diversity of the issues affecting companies in our global engagement programme.

  • NB-Uninvestable Russia
    White papers

    Uninvestable Russia

    2022-03-06T15:55:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    We survey the impact on worldwide fixed income markets of the devastation in Ukraine and the sanctions against Russia, and send our thoughts to those in the heart of the conflict.

  • FH-Amazon case study
    White papers

    Amazon case study

    2022-03-06T11:22:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Amazon has committed to be 100% net zero across its operations by 2040 and continues to improve sustainability reporting aligned to its business strategy. EOS welcomes the company’s greater willingness to engage with us and other stakeholders recently and its positive response. 

  • Franklin Templeton - Inflationary
    White papers

    The Inflationary Shock of the Russia-Ukraine Crisis

    2022-03-04T17:31:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has already caused a tragic human toll. It also brings yet another disruptive shock to a global economy already coping with persistent supply chain disruptions and fast-rising inflation. The clearest and most immediate economic impact of the conflict will be stronger and more durable inflationary pressures, driven by a negative supply shock to energy and some agricultural commodities—as detailed in the remainder of this note.

  • Franklin Templeton - Quick Thoughts
    White papers

    Quick Thoughts: The Implications on Equities of the War in Ukraine

    2022-03-04T15:27:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    We hosted a webinar to discuss equity investing against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine.

  • Barings-if-sanctions-didnt_653x490
    White papers

    If Sanctions Didn’t Stop the War, They Can Still Shape the Peace

    2022-03-04T13:50:00Z By Barings

    After Ukraine’s allies decide how much to ratchet up pressure on Russia, they will face tough choices on how to ratchet down.

  • CG - Economic shadow
    White papers

    The Russia-Ukraine war could cast a meaningful economic shadow

    2022-03-03T17:27:00Z By Capital Group

    Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, which has become Europe’s largest ground war in generations, has impacted millions of people and triggered a large-scale humanitarian crisis as vulnerable Ukrainians take shelter or flee their homes. The intensification and spread of the conflict is deeply troubling and is having a devastating impact on those people caught in the crisis.

  • CG - EU policymakers
    White papers

    EU policymakers may look to mitigate economic shock

    2022-03-03T17:23:00Z By Capital Group

    Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, which has become Europe’s largest ground war in generations, has impacted millions of people and triggered a large-scale humanitarian crisis as vulnerable Ukrainians take shelter or flee their homes. The intensification and spread of the conflict is deeply troubling and is having a devastating impact on those people caught in the crisis.