All Small cap articles – Page 6
White papers
Equity Index Futures vs. ETFs Total Cost Analysis Tool
This tool is designed to analyze the all-in costs of replicating the S&P 500 by trading equity index futures versus exchange-traded funds.
White papers
The Big Picture: A Cost Comparison of Futures and ETFs
Analyse the potential cost advantages of E-mini S&P futures as they pertain to your specific investment scenarios.
White papers
Is a pivotal change in the Chinese economy hiding in plain site?
With China’s economy quietly entering a new era, there has arguably never been a more exciting time to be a stockpicker in Asia.
White papers
Daisuke Nomoto: Japan - more tailwinds than headwinds for 2018
With GDP on a sustained growth track, supported by structural reforms and the Bank of Japan’s accommodative monetary policy, we maintain a positive outlook for the region.
White papers
Dara J. White: Emerging Markets Outlook for 2018
Emerging markets have previously performed well in periods of rising rates, so while the macro dynamics from the US and elsewhere could be seen as a threat, they shouldn’t necessarily blow EMs off course.
White papers
Reaction: Italian election
The Italian election result looks messy, but we do not believe that the chances of Italy leaving the eurozone have gone up materially.
White papers
Holding Active Management to a Higher Standard
Data points cannot come close to telling the full story of William Blair’s approach to active management; our story is one defined by our constant evolution.
White papers
Is it too quiet as we head into 2018?
As we look forward to 2018, there’s an illusion of calm in financial markets. But this doesn’t mean that nothing is going on. In fact, opposing forces are simply cancelling each other out.
White papers
Technology and ‘mega-trends’ to drive US equity performance
US equities have outperformed global equities since the beginning of the recovery because the US economy was initially the sole engine of global growth, as European countries wrestled with the Eurozone crisis.
White papers
Asia’s new era of sustainable growth
The huge Chinese economy is experiencing a ‘second awakening’ under President Xi Jinping, with a strong agenda for supply-side reforms and an emphasis on sustainable macroeconomic growth.
White papers
The UK’s demise is overstated
UK equities reached all-time highs in 2017, but relative to world stocks (in US dollar terms) they were laggards.
White papers
Japan: three reasons for a positive outlook
In recent weeks we further raised our allocations to Japanese stocks, with near-term catalysts.
White papers
A view on small and mid-cap equities moving towards 2018
The late-recovery is now broadening to all countries in Europe and their GDP components.
White papers
Why multi-asset strategies suit a changeable world
For the past 35 years, a ‘set and forget’ strategic asset allocation has worked well. A typical 60:40 asset mix of equities and bonds had around the same volatility as a pure 100% bond portfolio, but with a better return. It is not likely to be as fruitful moving forward.
White papers
China’s state-managed overseas expansion
China’s clampdown on overseas acquisitions this year, accompanied by the detention of some high-profile corporate bosses, seemed to confirm the worst about the risks faced by private conglomerates and billionaire tycoons.
White papers
Australia cautious on dividends
A generation of Australians has enjoyed a record 26 years without experiencing a recession. The country has withstood global financial crises, endured volatile commodity prices and export revenues, and shrugged off warnings of housing bubbles and declining domestic savings.
White papers
Asia tech: boom, bubble or bust?
Technology has been the best-performing stock market sector throughout the world this year, accounting for around half of US and emerging market Asia equity returns so far. The spectacular rise has aroused scepticism about its sustainability at the same time as other investors remain convinced about the prospects for further growth and higher earnings.
White papers
A hard landing for the Gulf’s high flyers
Three airlines face disruption to their role as ‘superconnectors’ as the state-owned groups fight to justify a business model built around hubs in a volatile region.
White papers
Opportunities in...UK Equity Income
Valuations in some global markets are looking stretched, but UK equities remain attractively valued relative to many international counterparts. Uncertainty around Brexit and heightened political risk has led global asset allocators to be underweight UK equities, creating valuation anomalies. We pay attention to factors that are harbingers of potential dividend reductions.
White papers
Asia’s ‘great moderation’ holds promise for equities
Soo Nam NG argues that China’s economy is entering a more moderate and stable period, which will benefit Chinese and Asian equity markets.