Equities – Page 16

  • When volatility is rising, boring is beautiful
    White papers

    When volatility is rising, boring is beautiful

    2022-05-03T11:10:00Z By Capital Group

    Fast-growing digital and tech companies generated a lot of investor excitement over the past decade, not to mention an outsized share of market returns.

  • ‘People can focus so much on risk they can overlook opportunities’
    White papers

    ‘People can focus so much on risk they can overlook opportunities’

    2022-05-03T11:10:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Federated Hermes Asia and Emerging Markets Investing Forum in London on 28 April took the pulse of the sector in the face of slowing growth and volatility.

  • Discovering Stocks for Your Sustainable Investing Goals
    White papers

    Discovering Stocks for Your Sustainable Investing Goals

    2022-05-02T13:31:00Z By AllianceBernstein

    Sustainability means different things to different people. So how can an investor know whether a sustainable equity fund is truly aligned with their responsibility ethos and investing goals? Start by asking the following three questions.

  • EM equities-evolving and transforming
    White papers

    EM equities: evolving and transforming

    2022-05-01T09:47:00Z By Barings

    Emerging markets are undergoing a seismic shift. While they have traditionally been perceived as dominated by ‘old economy’ industries, many EM economies have transitioned from ‘primary’ and ‘secondary’ industries toward more ‘tertiary’ or service-based industries over the past decade.

  • Amundi-Global-Investment-Views
    White papers

    Global Investment Views - May 2022

    2022-04-28T15:13:00Z By Amundi

    We are witnessing significant divergences in the economic outlook (we have revised down the EU and Chinese economic outlooks vs. the more resilient US economy) and in market performances.

  • Broader Investment Horizons for an Aging World
    White papers

    Broader Investment Horizons for an Aging World

    2022-04-27T16:17:00Z By Barings

    In a deeply uncertain world, there is one certainty. Young, booming populations in emerging markets (EM) have started outpacing those in aging, rich countries and might provide just the opportunity needed to fill job openings and support growth.

  • FT-
    White papers

    Should Investors “Buy the Dip” in a Time of Geopolitical Crisis?

    2022-04-13T14:04:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    Many market pundits have advocated a strategy of “buying the dip” after significant selloffs, but does it always make sense to do so? Franklin Templeton Investment Solutions’ Gene Podkaminer and Miles Sampson explore market reactions to geopolitical events and caution against celebrating the success of this strategy too soon.

  • Allocation Views
    White papers

    Allocation Views: Simplify the problem—A tighter focus

    2022-04-08T13:07:00Z By Franklin Templeton

    It has been an eventful start to the year. A significant rotation in equity market leadership in the early part of 2022’s first quarter saw the prospects for growth stocks derailed. This was followed by the shocking outbreak of war in Ukraine, adding new complexity to established geopolitical uncertainties—and all set against a backdrop of slowing economic activity, as well as inflation that was both persistent and troublesome.

  • How to think about investing in China today
    White papers

    How to think about investing in China today

    2022-04-07T15:19:00Z By Capital Group

    Despite well-publicised moves to restructure its economy over the past few years, China remains a key investment destination due to the attraction of its enormous domestic market. And as the world’s second-largest economy, China is also deeply interconnected with the global economy in manufacturing supply chains and is increasingly a large portion of multinational corporate revenues. Consequently, understanding and navigating the complexities of China for both domestic and international investing has never been more important.

  • esg-materiality-feb-2022
    White papers

    ESG Materiality Newsletter, Q1 2022

    2022-04-07T09:48:00Z By Federated Hermes

    In this edition of our ESG Materiality Newsletter, we provide an overview of our engagement activities, as well as case studies demonstrating the progress we have made with portfolio companies. We also delve into an environmental, social and governance (ESG) theme, and its implications for the Emerging Markets asset class.

  • Amundi - Shifts & Narratives #16 - Investing in a fragmented world
    White papers

    Shifts & Narratives #16 - Investing in a fragmented world

    2022-04-06T11:50:00Z By Amundi

    Over the past three years – well before the Covid-19 crisis – we have been arguing for a macro-financial regime shift, initially driven by the retreat of global trade as the main driver of global growth. The Covid-19 crisis has acted as a trend accelerator due to its de-globalisation footprint and implied supply-chain bottlenecks. Many growth engines have been re-shored, while the unified central bank model has ended.

  • Federated hermes - sdg-engagement-equity-fund-annual-report-cover-1024x600
    White papers

    SDG Engagement Equity: 2021 Annual Report

    2022-04-05T09:45:00Z By Federated Hermes

    The philosophy of the SDG Equity Engagement Fund is that we can all do well by doing good. Progress towards, and the attainment of, the UN SDGs is not a zero-sum game; rather, it represents an opportunity to create shareholder value.

  • Amundi - Ukraine Crisis
    White papers

    US economy and markets look resilient regarding the Russia-Ukraine crisis

    2022-04-05T08:44:00Z By Amundi

    Over a month has passed since the start of the conflict in Ukraine and, following the initial volatility swings across all segments, markets have been more constructive in the past few weeks. Rates have drifted higher, reaching 2.5% for US 10 year Treasuries, amid expectations of more aggressive monetary action. Equities are returning to pre-conflict levels, while commodities are still volatile but running cooler overall.

  • Screenshot 2022-04-06 at 12.36.54
    White papers

    Federated Hermes Sustainable European Equities

    2022-04-01T11:39:00Z By Federated Hermes

    In our first Sustainability Report we outline how a combination of bottom-up stock picking and thematic research helps us identify companies built on strong foundations: purposeful, resilient, and innovative, and aligned to at least one of the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

  • Federated Hermes - global-equity-esg-annual-2021
    White papers

    Global Equity ESG - Annual Report, 2021

    2022-03-31T09:36:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Combining attractive fundamentals and good or improving environmental, social and governance (ESG) characteristics, the Federated Hermes Global Equity ESG Fund targets innovative companies that anticipate tomorrow’s challenges today.

  • Running dry-How water risk can threaten a company’s bottom line
    White papers

    Running dry: How water risk can threaten a company’s bottom line

    2022-03-30T15:22:00Z By Capital Group

    Climate change is forcing investors to evaluate two new types of risk: transition risk, the cost of transitioning to low-carbon operations, and physical risk, the cost of increased drought, floods, severe weather, and a rising sea level. Water stress is one of the most pronounced physical risks from climate change that investors must consider.

  • Barings-esg-in-pharma_653x490
    White papers

    ESG in Pharma: Has the ‘S’ Reached a Turning Point?

    2022-03-30T11:16:00Z By Barings

    Increased regulation and heightened competition are transforming the pharma industry’s behavior when it comes to the pricing and availability of medicine.

  • NB-From Buying the Dips to Fading the Rallies
    White papers

    From Buying the Dips to Fading the Rallies

    2022-03-27T16:02:00Z By Neuberger Berman

    Equity markets are higher than they were on the eve of the invasion of Ukraine, but here’s why we think there is more volatility, and potentially more downside to come.

  • fhi_market_snapshot_24-mar
    White papers

    Inflation: a stubborn beast to slay

    2022-03-25T11:54:00Z By Federated Hermes

    As the war in Ukraine adds to pressure on prices, investors could be facing a prolonged period of high inflation and may need to adjust their strategies accordingly.

  • Barings - War distress
    White papers

    War Distress Hasn’t Derailed Western Growth Yet

    2022-03-24T16:29:00Z By Barings

    The U.S. announced a new list of penalties against Russian elites, lawmakers, and entities, and there are discussions about imposing sanctions on Russia’s gold reserves—though not yet passed. Meanwhile, the EU and G7 are expected to announce further restrictions on business in Russia.