All Derivatives articles
Talking Markets – TM Tellworth UK Select Fund
Fund Manager, John Warren, explains the success behind this market neutral, long short equity fund, sharing the team’s strategy, and proven investment process which results in returns that are uncorrelated with bond and equity markets.
Amid the Volatility: What Are Investors’ Best Options?
Options, a seemingly daunting investment category, has been around for quite some time. Dating back to Ancient Greece, many investors have used Options as a way to mitigate risk. But how has Options trading evolved in recent years? What are the impacts of the upcoming Fed meeting and the U.S elections on this asset class?
White papers
Euro clearing – a balancing act
For the European Pension Fund community, 2023 brings about important changes as the European Commission sets out its position on the future of euro derivatives clearing activity within the EU, and the PSA mandatory clearing exemption comes to an end in June.
White papers
Initial Margin Landscape
Neil Murphy, business manager of triResolve, discusses what the regulatory initial margin landscape changes mean to the market and how in-scope firms for phase 5 and 6 may decide to take an alternative approach to IM compliance.
White papers
Navigating Uncleared Margin Rules
CME Group offers bilateral and cleared solutions to help you comply with UMR, minimize impacts to your firm and add capital efficiencies.
White papers
Advancing the human capital agenda
For too long, a company’s success has been measured purely by its financial performance. But increasingly, in a social-media world, the success of a business is aligned to the satisfaction of employees. With fewer rights granted to employees in the US than other developed nations, we explain why we are starting a dialogue on the issue of human capital.
White papers
Asset Allocation Update: Strong earnings prompt US equities upgrade
Amid background noise such as ongoing trade skirmishes involving the US, the evolving Chinese economy and geo-political tensions, we have spent time analysing recent market movements and the implications for risk assets.
White papers
Monthly FX Report
Keep up with what the market is saying and what’s happening in our marketplace.
White papers
Replicating OTC FX Market Positions with CME FX Futures
Explore the advantages that CME FX futures offer traditional market practitioners in the OTC FX markets, and how CME FX futures can be used to replicate cost-efficient, manageable synthetic exposure to OTC FX spot, forwards, and swaps.
White papers
The Greenwich Perspective: A Bright Future for FX Futures
Greenwich Associates recently published a paper assessing the value and viability of FX futures as a proxy to the OTC FX market.
White papers
Managing currency risk in equity portfolios
This report shows how equity index futures provide a more flexible alternative than cash equity products for managing foreign exchange risks.
White papers
Equity Index Futures vs. ETFs Total Cost Analysis Tool
This tool is designed to analyze the all-in costs of replicating the S&P 500 by trading equity index futures versus exchange-traded funds.
White papers
The Big Picture: A Cost Comparison of Futures and ETFs
Analyse the potential cost advantages of E-mini S&P futures as they pertain to your specific investment scenarios.
White papers
Daisuke Nomoto: Japan - more tailwinds than headwinds for 2018
With GDP on a sustained growth track, supported by structural reforms and the Bank of Japan’s accommodative monetary policy, we maintain a positive outlook for the region.
White papers
Reaction: Italian election
The Italian election result looks messy, but we do not believe that the chances of Italy leaving the eurozone have gone up materially.
White papers
Technology and ‘mega-trends’ to drive US equity performance
US equities have outperformed global equities since the beginning of the recovery because the US economy was initially the sole engine of global growth, as European countries wrestled with the Eurozone crisis.
White papers
The UK’s demise is overstated
UK equities reached all-time highs in 2017, but relative to world stocks (in US dollar terms) they were laggards.
White papers
Dynamic Asian fixed income market continues to drive strong returns
The Asian fixed income market has had a fantastic three-year total return performance.
White papers
South Korean equities shrug off concerns
A myriad of anxieties has failed to stem this year’s KOSPI surge and now investors are encouraged by a reform-minded new president.
White papers
Hong Kong faces an unstable future
China’s increasing control of Hong Kong’s political and economic activities raises concerns about the territory’s role as financial hub.