Content (387)

  • Seizing value in emerging market debt

    White papers

    Seizing value in emerging market debt


    Despite recent challenges, emerging market economies remain robust and are delivering positive growth. India is leading the charge, benefiting from secular demographic trends like a growing working-age population as well as resilient domestic demand. As China’s share of global growth declines, India is stepping in to fill the gap. More broadly, EM growth projections have been revised upward by the IMF’s World Economic Outlook (WEO), benefiting from country-specific factors.

  • No winners in the Thames Water travails

    White papers

    No winners in the Thames Water travails


    Whatever angle you look at things from the prospects for future investment in the UK water sector don’t look good, for anyone. The travails of Thames Water especially (but other water companies are not exempt) have wrought such damage to the sector’s reputation that water, once a byword for the essence of life, is now more commonly aligned in headlines with words including risk, sewage and pollution.  

  • LDI- Elections and market reform competing for attention

    White papers

    LDI: Elections and market reform competing for attention


    Whilst most central banks erred on the side of caution, reticent to commence the monetary easing cycle in response to falling inflation and slowing growth, the ECB was the first to take the plunge.  With the downside risks to growth in Europe much higher now given the political and fiscal uncertainty in France, as well as a slowdown in German manufacturing growth, the ECB’s deliberate vagueness on the path of easing has allowed it to retain optionality on future cuts. 

  • LDI- July 2024, snap elections, all change but has anything changed?

    White papers

    LDI: July 2024, snap elections, all change but has anything changed?


    The first half of 2024 disappointed markets as the large rate cuts reflected in market pricing at the start of the year failed to realise. Central banks erred on the side of caution, reticent to commence the monetary easing cycle in response to falling inflation and slowing growth. 

  • Dispelling the myths around emerging market debt

    White papers

    Dispelling the myths around emerging market debt


    Things in emerging markets are not always what they seem. In December 2023, Argentina elected as president Javier Milei, a rabble-rousing populist fond of brandishing a chainsaw on the campaign trail. Milei had a radical agenda, including dollarising the economy and abolishing the central bank – just the kind of policies that alarm investors.

  • EMEA Investment grade outlook, H2 2024

    White papers

    EMEA Investment grade outlook, H2 2024


    Inflation is finally coming down, central banks are poised to cut rates, and credit spreads have withstood volatility in government bonds. So where do we see things going from here?

  • Why we’ve said ‘auf Wiedersehen’ to Deutsche Bank

    White papers

    Why we’ve said ‘auf Wiedersehen’ to Deutsche Bank


    A great German thinker once said: “We rarely find people who achieve great things without first going astray”

  • la-salve-bridge


    Investment grade: attractive yields with lower risk profile


    The asset class is in a fundamentally good place, with the past few years seeing index yields rise to 5.5% – competing quite well with asset classes such as equities.

  • tropical-coastline-and-sunrise

    White papers

    ESG Viewpoint: Nature Positive commitments: separating the green from greenwash


    Over 1,400 companies are calling on governments to adopt policies to reach Nature Positive by 2030. 95 British businesses have signed up to a collective goal to be Nature Positive by 2030, and a third of the global mining industry has committed to reach Nature Positive by 2030 through the International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM)123.

  • couple-walking

    White papers

    A fine time to lock in higher bond yields


    Thinking about duration in investment grade credit hasn’t been top of clients’ minds in recent years – with good reason. Bond yields have been exceptionally low, with the Sterling five-year corporate bond yield falling from around 4% in the middle of the previous decade to almost 1.5% by the end of 2020.

  • the-federal-reserve


    CIO outlook: Is higher volatility on the horizon?


    Interest rates won’t come down as quickly as some had hoped, says our CIO, William Davies, but further gains for equities are still possible this year.

  • columbia


    Equity outlook: High valuations and higher-for-longer rates


    Equity outlook: High valuations and higher-for-longer rates