SEB Asset Management (SEB AM) is an established global real estate manager and the global real estate competence centre within the SEB Group. It specialises in designing and managing tailored investment solutions with investment strategies spanning the range from core to value added. The range of products and services is as varied as the wishes and expectations of the investors and covers mutual and special funds with regional and internationally diversified investment focuses, as well as individual fund solutions and master fund structures.

Founded in 1988, SEB AM offers real estate experience in over 20 countries with a focus on Europe and the Asia Pacific region. Regionally specialised investment and asset management teams give us in-depth knowledge of the different real estate markets. SEB AM provides support across all stages of the value chain and throughout the property lifecycle – from purchase and development, to management and disposal.

The more than 100 real estate specialists currently manage total assets in excess of €12bn, of which €8.2bn is made up of directly held real estate assets. Between 2003 and 2013, the interdisciplinary team has conducted more than 300 transactions in 23 countries on four continents, with a total volume of around €14bn.

SEB AM has been investing in Asia Pacific since 2006, and now manages a broad array of products investing in the major markets of Japan, South Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, China and Australia.

Investment principles & strategy

SEB AM has a long standing track record of owning and managing properties globally with a real estate port- folio of directly held assets of €8.2bn currently under management across 20 countries.

SEB AM’s core business is to invest directly in real estate via collective investment schemes implementing core/core-plus to value-add strategies. A combination of in-depth knowledge of local markets, a disciplined investment process and underwriting approach are SEB AM’s main success factors.

Risk management builds an integral part of portfolio management, the investment process and the property lifecycle, allowing a portfolio’s opportunities and risks to be systematically captured, assessed and managed. SEB AM pursues an advanced, active risk management approach that assesses risk using both appropriate risk indicators as well as scenario-based and fundamental analyses.

SEB AM provides support to investors throughout the real estate value chain, actively manages each investment and offers solutions that meet the individual tax and regulatory requirements. SEB AM identifies opportunities for optimising the balance sheet structures and helps draw up distribution planning. The deep understanding of successful real estate investment is reflected in the consistently professional management, as well as customised support that takes individual investors’ reporting and transparency requirements into account and generates reports that are in accordance with Inter- national Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). The client base comes from a variety of segments and includes insurers, pension schemes and occupational pension funds, corporates and the banking sector, foundations, family offices and retail clients. The long-standing, close partnerships are a testament to the high quality of the products and services SEB AM provides.

Strategic corporate development
SEB AM implemented a systematic process to develop and manage tailor-made real estate funds. A strategic priority is to enhance the offering for institutional investors.
In April 2014, SEB AM’s fund management affiliate, SEB Investment GmbH, became one of the first German fund management platforms to receive an Alternative Investment Fund Manager’s Directive (AIFMD) licence. SEB AM fulfills the latest EU regulatory requirements for the management, administration and marketing of alternative investment funds, highlighting its long-term commitment to institutional fund management.
SEB AM continues to expand the existing product range by offering tailor-made sophisticated product solutions. Currently, the company ´s product range with focus on the Asia-Pacific region comprises:

  • special fund according to German law, which pursues a core/core plus and strategy and suits the needs of German institutional investors;
  • special fund according to Luxembourg law with a core plus/value added strategy, which is geared towards international investors, such as private banks, asset managers, family offices and foundations;
  • open-ended real estate fund under Luxembourg law, that was made available to a limited group of institutional investors, which is fully placed and cannot be extended.