A step-by-step guide to measuring social impact in real estate

There’s no benchmark for social impact investing, but investment is gaining traction. In this article we - Schroders Capital - explain how we measure place-based impact.

Impact investing is not philanthropy. It is defi ned by both the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Global Impact Investing Network as targeting “measurable positive social, economic or environmental impact alongside fi nancial returns.”

Place based impact investment (PBII) is an approach to real estate that seeks to deliver improved regional prosperity, employment prospects and housing quality, by developing housing, workplaces, and regenerating town centres. We believe PBII can work towards reduced social deprivation and an attractive riskadjusted return for institutional investors.

The diverse nature of real estate, and the intangible characteristics of social impact outcomes, means that investors can struggle to decipher and measure impact outcomes. Here, we explain how to consistently and reliably measure outcomes or changes delivered as a direct or indirect result of investment.

Read the full ‘Thought Leadership’ article at the link below

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