Content (22)

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    White papers

    Webinar: wind and solar enhanced maintenance technologies and advances with data


    How is the use of artificial intelligence impacting the clean energy infrastructure industry? Watch Nuveen Infrastructure’s recent webinar where we discuss the use of big data and AI in asset management, the underlying trends affecting renewables infrastructure maintenance and the wealth of benefits that effective maintenance can bring to a renewables portfolio.

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    White papers

    Making sense of infrastructure debt


    The capital expenditure required to support anticipated growth in power demand while also reducing carbon emissions will necessitate significant amounts of debt financing going forward. Don Dimitrievich, Portfolio Manager for Nuveen Energy Infrastructure Credit, explains the evolving infrastructure debt opportunity set and the EIC team’s approach to thematic investing in IPE’s recent July/August 2024 report.

  • Listed vs. private infrastructure- Why not both?

    White papers

    Listed vs. private infrastructure: Why not both?


    Investing in listed infrastructure may provide benefits that make a strong case for a larger allocation to listed markets relative to private investments than is currently observed by institutional investors. At Nuveen, we strongly believe in the infrastructure asset class.

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    White papers

    U.S. offshore wind: Blowing in the right direction


    Despite the current obstacles of slow permitting and rising costs, the U.S. offshore wind industry is picking up pace.

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    White papers

    Solar PV 3.0 – the next wave of innovation in the solar industry


    It seems odd to say that solar photovoltaic (PV) technology has come a long way since its use in space exploration in the 1950s – arguably, the first wave of innovation that honed its commercial applications. How much further can we go beyond space?

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    White papers

    Financing the energy transition


    Energy security and climate change are driving an unparalleled economic shift in the energy sector worldwide, and reshaping the investment landscape for green energy credit as a result.

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    White papers

    Mind the (economic) gap: Infrastructure Debt 2024 Report


    Nuveen’s Don Dimitrievich was recently featured in Infrastructure Investor’s 2024 Infrastructure Debt Report and shared his insights on how the Energy Infrastructure Credit team is providing flexible capital solutions and finding opportunities in the gaps in today’s high cost of capital environment.

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    White papers

    The solar coaster: The twists and turns of an evolving investment opportunity set


    Significant growth in electrification is required in the United States to meet decarbonization goals. According to the Department of Energy, the capacity of the existing U.S. grid will need to increase 57% by 2035.

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    White papers

    Global infrastructure: Listed securities offer opportunities


    Our complex framework of roads, waterways, utilities and airports must be maintained and expanded to meet evolving global needs. In the past, government has been largely responsible for creating and maintaining infrastructure. However, private funding has become an increasingly important resource as governments find themselves unable to cope with the challenges of modern infrastructure. Thus infrastructure has transformed from something that consumes tax dollars to a potential investment opportunity.

  • Sustainable supply chain opportunities take center stage

    White papers

    Sustainable supply chain opportunities take center stage


    Given the backdrop of the Inflation Reduction Act’s passage in 2022, 15 months later this historic legislation is supercharging a resurgence of US manufacturing, particularly by supporting supply chain industries that facilitate the decarbonization of power generation and the broader economy.

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    White papers

    Will infrastructure deliver for investors?


    From inflation hedging and yield to impact goals and climate risk mitigation, investors’ expectations for infrastructure are high.

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    Asset Manager News

    2022 clean energy sustainability report


    This report sets out Glennmont from Nuveen’s work on ESG in 2022 across both our team and the portfolio of assets we manage. We continue to do more work to enhance the integration of ESG into all our processes and portfolio management activities, to ensure that we continue to lead by example with regards to the responsible management of infrastructure funds and assets.