Content (703)

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    White papers

    Fixed Income Investment Outlook 3Q 2024


    Widening Differences, New Opportunities After months of anticipation, a broader move to lower policy rates appears on its way. However, the varied pace of easing, along with dispersion in economic growth and strains on the credit front, may widen the gap between winners and losers across the fixed income spectrum. We believe this should enhance opportunities for active managers in navigating a new landscape.

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    White papers

    To Understand the Macro, Study the Micro


    Right now, second-quarter earnings reports may be a better guide to the economic outlook than official statistics. 

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    Disruptive Investments Within Disruptive Regulations:


    In the wake of past banking volatility and high-stake crises like the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, regulatory scrutiny has continued to increase across the financial sector with proposals such as Basel III Endgame. The industry will need to adjust to the new disruptive forces at play. But what opportunities lie within the banking sector that could interest investors? And what are the risks posed to investors in this space? 

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    White papers

    Equity Market Outlook 3Q 2024


    Financial headlines suggest that vigorous debate has returned to equity markets. In our 3Q Equity Market Outlook, we highlight key aspects of this shift and discuss what they might portend for markets over the next six to 12 months.

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    White papers

    U.S. Election: Near-Term Turbulence, Long-Term Questions


    A close election could see increased U.S. equity volatility followed by a relief rally, while resulting policy impacts could take time to play out and may be affected by fiscal constraints. 

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    White papers

    Policy and Politics


    The first-quarter inflation bump is behind us, but the risks of a monetary policy error and electoral shocks have risen. While we believe the fundamental economic outlook for the next 12 – 18 months remains positive for risky assets, the potential for monetary policy errors and election-related volatility overshadows the coming months. These risks prevent the AAC from taking a more overweight view on risky assets, and keep us focused on quality assets and portfolio balance.

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    White papers

    Higher for Longer: The CIOs’ Weigh In


    While this year’s inflation and rates environment has disappointed many, we see it as a bump in the road that has created opportunity in several markets.Midway through 2024, it’s pretty clear what the story of the year has been so far: stickier inflation and higher rates for longer than many investors wanted or expected.

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    White papers

    ESG Momentum in Non-Investment Grade Credit


    Issuers are facing an increasingly high bar in relation to environmental, social and governance standards. Our recent panel discussion provided ideas on setting goals and working toward achieving them.

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    Diversifying Private Credit Beyond Corporate Risk


    Over the past ten years, life insurers have increased allocations to private credit, both as way to hunt for yield in the zero-rate environment as well as to match their long dated liabilities.

  • Preparing for Rising Volatility

    White papers

    Preparing for Rising Volatility


    The second half of 2024 could see the current, localized election-related volatility go global.

  • Private Equity and the Polls

    White papers

    Private Equity and the Polls


    Have U.S. elections had any effect on private equity performance?

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    Steve Eisman: From The Big Short to the Long Way Home


    In 2008, the housing market crash sent shockwaves through the financial industry and the world at large. However, a handful of investors saw the warning signs and began sounding the alarms long before the financial debacle unfolded.