Content (2)

  • what the move from qe to qt means

    White papers

    A changing tide: what the move from QE to QT means


    If 2018 was the year where quantitative tightening started to take hold, 2019 is the year it’s likely to strengthen its grip. After a decade where central banks flooded the markets with liquidity in order to stoke the economy, they began to reverse this pro- cess last year, looking to shrink their balance sheets and normalise interest rates after years of unconventional monetary policy.

  • investec credit

    White papers

    Credit where credit is due – making the most of unconstrained credit


    The search for a sustainable return has led many pension schemes to allocating more investment to a credit solution. Jeff Boswell and Garland Hansmann of Investec Asset Management outline how unconstrained credit strategies could help address the challenges.