
IRE is a highly stable organisation, with our global senior team having an average tenure of 15 years and 28 years’ industry experience.

Our strategies invest in the main commercial sectors as well as hotels and multi-family/ residential (private rented sector) and across the major global real estate markets. We currently manage $87.3bn of real estate assets globally for our clients, with over 600 staff across 21 offices.

Our global network with a local presence and deep real estate market knowledge, means that we are able to cover the major real estate markets across the US, Europe and Asia Pacific with an established platform with over 600 dedicated real estate staff. In addition, our strong track record of delivering returns to investors by implementing strategic and tactical strategies globally across the risk spectrum and throughout a number of real estate cycles has contributed to IRE’s steady growth over the past 40 years

ESG & resilience

Invesco Real Estate is committed to being good stewards of the environment in a manner that is consistent with our fiduciary responsibilities to clients. As our clients increasingly place value on ESG+R issues, we have a responsibility to make ESG+R integration a priority in the way we conduct our business and sustain our investments.

We have recognised for a long time that embracing ESG+R best practices strengthens our assets’ operational efficiency and resilience and is synonymous with good asset management. Global challenges, such as the COVID -19 pandemic and climate change, have shown us that it is increasingly important to continue our proactive approach to ESG+R implementation. Invesco Real Estate understands that the societal impact of the built environment is an important factor in creating and stabilising communities and maintaining social cohesion. As such, recognition of asset quality, long-term investment strategy, and wider ESG+R considerations around the impact of the built environment on society and the natural world are factors that are considered within Invesco Real Estate’s investment process.

Our current targets include:

  • 30% reduction in energy and emissions by 2030 from a 2018 baseline
  • Net zero carbon emissions by 2050 with 50% target by 2030.
  • 10% reduction in water consumption by 2030.
  • 10% increase in waste diversion rate. 

Investment principles & strategy

The determination of investment strategy at Invesco Real Estate is not merely a formal department; rather, it is a firm-wide commitment to a systematic evaluation process.

The focus is on applied outputs, not theoretical research. Our regional investment strategy and strategic analytics professionals are charged with regularly gathering detailed economic, demographic, real estate market and local intelligence in order to formulate well-founded opinions on underlying investment potential on a market-by-market basis for each property type. More importantly, these teams integrate top-down, long-term oriented market evaluations with the bottom-up expertise of transaction and asset management professionals.

Asset management, transactions, underwriting and investment strategy are separate areas of expertise; however, all of these disciplines contribute to the process of developing strategy based on an in-depth understanding of local markets.

The Regional Investment Strategists and Strategic Analytics teams work hand-in-hand and are responsible for leading and facilitating our ‘House View’ process. The House View combines the empirical and anecdotal evidence from each of our investment disciplines and sets forth where we see the best relative value from both a property type allocation and market selection standpoint - two very key decisions in providing strong relative returns. The Portfolio Management team then incorporates the House View into fund investment plans and is charged with implementation.

Strategic corporate development

Our global business has grown organically and through selective acquisitions since 1983. Our experts have the experience and the knowledge needed to seek to deliver investment returns in an increasingly complex environment. We believe our diversified global platform has positioned us well and has enabled us to maintain a senior staff with low turnover.

Performance verification

Our sole business is managing investments, working with our clients’ interests in mind and concentrating on the delivery of returns. We are not a bank, brokerage house or an insurance company, nor do we have any other real estate related businesses (such as leasing or property management) that can distract or conflict with our fiduciary responsibilities, or detract from our focus on performance.