Content (5)

  • Environmental Transition- Capturing Opportunity And Driving Real-World Impact

    White papers

    Environmental Transition: Capturing Opportunity And Driving Real-World Impact


    The most immediate and tangible impact on reducing carbon emissions can be achieved by helping high emitters that are restructuring their business models and repositioning themselves for a greener economy – companies often referred to as “carbon improvers” – to transition faster and more efficiently.

  • Asset Management Mid-Year Outlook 2024- Cutting Through Complexity

    White papers

    Asset Management Mid-Year Outlook 2024: Cutting Through Complexity


    As we head into the second half of 2024, our investment teams share their views on the most meaningful market trends and potential opportunities and risks.

  • Private Equity Value Creation Series- Sustainable Investing Trends

    White papers

    Private Equity Value Creation Series: Sustainable Investing Trends


    Sustainable investing continues to prove a complex and multi-faceted topic. The number of regulatory requirements aimed at corporations and investors is massive and growing, often resulting in reporting fatigue. Impact management and measurement is an area gaining more concrete focus. And while still relatively nascent, social impacts (the “S” in ESG) are beginning to be more clearly articulated and systematically included in company sustainability frameworks.

  • The Generational Divide

    White papers

    The Generational Divide


    Leveraging data from the Retirement Survey & Insights Report 2023, this supplemental report examines the challenges faced by each working generation (working Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z) in an effort to better understand their retirement journey.

  • 1440x430

    White papers

    Insurance Survey 2024


    The 13th annual Global Insurance Survey incorporates the views of 359 Chief Investment Officers (CIOs) and Chief Financial Officers (CFOs) representing over $13 trillion in balance sheet assets combined, approximately half of the balance sheet assets for the global insurance sector.