Join us to create brighter Fine Grain Facilities, Friends and Futures

In 2019, before any of us had heard of Covid-19, I made the decision to relocate from London to my hometown in Mayo, on the Atlantic Coast of Ireland. Little did I know that my dreams of pursuing my international marketing career from a remote workplace would have to compete with the relentless challenges of a pandemic.

I moved in late 2020 and joined Fine Grain Property as Business Development Director in January 2021. And thankfully, I have been able to pursue my career (from home in Mayo and on site around Ireland) in this exciting sector.

The past year has provided proof of Ireland’s economic and social resilience. Despite the growth in remote working, it’s also proven how crucial the availability of quality workspaces is to the prosperity and future growth of Ireland’s businesses.

You can now read the full press release at the link below