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Corporate overview

Dexus (ASX:DXS) is a leading Australasian fully integrated real asset group, managing a high-quality Australasian real estate and infrastructure portfolio valued at A$57.1bn.

We directly and indirectly own A$15.8bn of office, industrial, healthcare, retail and infrastructure assets and investments. We manage a further A$41.3bn of investments in our funds management business which provides third-party capital with exposure to quality sector specific and diversified real asset products. The funds within this business have a strong track record of delivering performance and benefit from Dexus’s capabilities.

The group’s A$16.9bn[1] development pipeline provides the opportunity to grow both portfolios and enhance future returns. Our sustainability aspiration is to unlock the potential of real assets to create lasting positive impact and a more sustainable tomorrow, and is focused on the priorities of customer prosperity, climate action and enhancing communities.

[1] Excludes infrastructure where there are select development opportunities across the portfolio.

Vision: To be globally recognised as Australasia’s leading real asset investment manager. 

Strategy: To deliver superior risk-adjusted returns for investors from high-quality real estate and infrastructure assets. 

Our strategy will be delivered by pursuing two key strategic objectives: 

  • Generating resilient income streams by investing in assets that provide resilience through-the-cycle
  • Being identified as investment manager of choice by expanding and diversifying the funds management business.

Investment principles & strategy

Dexus’s strategic objectives of generating resilient income streams and being identified as investment manager of choice are supported by a concentrated focus on factors that will position Dexus well through economic cycles. These factors include: investing and managing high-quality assets, access to a broad range of capital sources, maintaining a balance sheet of scale and strength, commitment to ESG outcomes, and an agile, solution-based culture. 

We view scale as a key differentiator. Operational scale supports asset-level performance by broadening customer insights, enhancing our ability to attract high-quality team members and providing capacity to invest in leading systems and technology. We invest alongside our third capital partners to access real asset investments with the objectives of improving portfolio quality and performance and achieving scale in our core markets.

In real estate, our scale and capability across healthcare (circa A$2bn of funds under management), industrial (circa A$11bn), office (circa A$22bn) and retail (circa A$10bn) provides Dexus and its partners with exposure to a range of large, growing markets from which to secure attractive investments. This sets the basis for delivery of the Dexus strategy via the creation of a ‘virtuous cycle’ of capital raising, deployment of proceeds and delivery of returns for investors.

Dexus Funds Management

Our funds management platform offers a diverse range of high-quality and best-in-class investment opportunities that provide investors with exclusive access to institutional grade real estate and infrastructure assets.

Our performance driven team of real asset and investment specialists is supported by a full service in-house team including Leasing, Capital Transactions, Research, Valuations and Treasury. Our scale supports our ability to create a range of products with capacity to invest in people, systems and technologies that enhance customer experience and deliver enhanced returns. It also provides us with unrivalled access to key relationships, talent, capital, market-leading deal flow, asset management capability and market intelligence – all of which translate into sustainable returns.

Successful investment in real assets requires a deep understanding of both underlying asset performance and investor needs. At Dexus, we take a rigorous approach which includes a systematic bottom-up analysis to understand each investment’s specific risks, as well as a top-down analysis of key macro trends. We focus on the identification, acquisition and management of assets that are attractive on a stand-alone risk-adjusted return basis, and also enhance overall portfolio returns.

When you invest with Dexus Funds Management, you are investing in:

  • High-quality real assets managed by an experienced funds manager
  • Deep expertise with a proven active asset management approach, driving enhanced performance
  • A track record of performance
  • The opportunity to co-invest in developments ensures alignment of interest with investors leveraging our ASX-listed balance sheet
  • A wide variety of investment options and risk/return profiles including exposure to multi-sector Australian commercial property and infrastructure
  • Established relationships with local and global capital partners opening up further investment opportunities
  • Strong, established governance frameworks across vehicles.


This document is issued by Dexus Funds Management Limited (DXFM) in its capacity as responsible entity of Dexus (ASX code: DXS). It is not an offer of securities for subscription or sale and is not financial product advice. Information in this presentation including, without limitation, any forward-looking statements or opinions (the Information) may be subject to change without notice. To the extent permitted by law, DXFM and Dexus, and their officers, employees and advisers do not make any representation or warranty, express or implied, as to the currency, accuracy, reliability or completeness of the Information and disclaim all responsibility and liability for it (including, without limitation, liability for negligence). Actual results may differ materially from those predicted or implied by any forward-looking statements for a range of reasons outside the control of the relevant parties. The information contained in this presentation should not be considered to be comprehensive or to comprise all the information which a Dexus security holder or potential investor may require in order to determine whether to deal in Dexus stapled securities or any Dexus fund. This presentation does not take into account the financial situation, investment objectives and particular needs of any particular person. The repayment and performance of an investment in Dexus or a Dexus fund is not guaranteed by DXFM or any of its related bodies corporate or any other person or organisation. This investment is subject to investment risk, including possible delays in repayment and loss of income and principal invested. Data as at 31 December 2023 unless otherwise stated.