Content (194)

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    White papers

    Can China continue its EV dominance?


    2023 was a record year for electric vehicles (EVs): global sales neared 14 million, reaching 18% of all cars sold. To put things into perspective, over 250,000 EVs were sold every week in 2023, which was more than the number sold in a year just a decade ago.

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    White papers

    The art of carry: How the strategic use of yield can help maximise fixed income results


    A bond’s coupon income, and therefore its carry, is essential to delivering long-term results in fixed income. Along with providing a regular income stream, the coupon also gives a cushion to help smooth out any price volatility.

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    White papers

    Midyear Outlook 2024: the new reality of investing


    2024 so far has been a year of diverging economies, equity market highs and election fever – with far more to come.

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    White papers

    Unleashing the potential: Navigating local currency EMD with active management


    EMD has become increasingly appealing to a broader investor base as the asset class has developed. Issuance has increased, thereby improving liquidity.

  • How are UK asset owners repositioning fixed income portfolios?

    White papers

    How are UK asset owners repositioning fixed income portfolios?


    We surveyed 100 fixed income asset allocation decision makers at public and private pension schemes, OCIOs, insurers, endowments and foundations between February and March 2024. We captured their thoughts on a range of topics including the fixed income market environment, intentions and attitudes to credit markets and to emerging market debt, plus thoughts on active management.

  • Fixed Income Horizons Survey 2024

    White papers

    Fixed Income Horizons Survey 2024


    The Capital Group 2024 Fixed Income Horizons Survey captures the views of 100 UK asset owners, including pension funds, OCIO providers, insurers, endowments and foundations. The quantitative survey was conducted by CoreData Group during February and March 2024. This report also includes insights from a series of in-depth qualitative interviews with senior investment leaders at UK asset owners. The questions were focused on respondents’ asset allocation views and attitudes to different areas of fixed income markets.

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    White papers

    Three investment ideas from earnings season


    Quarterly earnings for most companies in the S&P 500 Index have exceeded expectations. Businesses continue to cut costs, pass on price increases to consumers and find new areas of growth.

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    White papers

    Meta shifts the narrative on dividends in the world of Big Tech


    Meta’s dividend initiation this year appears to have changed the payout paradigm for Big Tech companies. Soon after, Alphabet and Salesforce followed suit, announcing dividends for the first time.

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    White papers

    5 key topics for investors to have on their ESG radar


    How can just three letters encompass such a vast array of crucial topics for investors? It’s a question I often ask myself. Of course, environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues move in and out of focus — often leaving a flurry of activity in their wake. And yet, the sheer number of these issues that investors are grappling with just seems to keep growing.

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    White papers

    The health care breakthrough that’s not an obesity drug


    You’ve heard of computer hacking, now meet gene hacking. In an age of remarkable health care innovation, scientists are manipulating human DNA to find new ways to treat diseases.

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    White papers

    Ahead of the curve: Resilience amid divergence


    While economies have proved remarkably resilient in the face of aggressive interest rate hikes, we have started to see divergence more recently. Countries such as the US, India and Japan have proved stronger than others – including Europe, the UK and China – driven mainly by differences in consumption, investment, and fiscal policies.

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    White papers

    Fixed Income Perspectives Q2 2024


    Quarterly macro and market insights from Capital Group’s fixed income team