Content (49)

  • European Real Estate- An Uneven Path Ahead

    White papers

    European Real Estate: An Uneven Path Ahead


    Downward price pressures are easing in the European real estate market. The timing of recoveries in pricing by geographies and sectors likely will occur in line with variations in real estate debt refinancing funding gaps and long-term growth drivers. The Barings Real Estate team discusses how this is shaping investment opportunities.

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    White papers

    European Real Estate: Why Now?


    The European real estate market appears to have passed its cyclical trough—and potentially compelling core and value-add opportunities are emerging across logistics, living, and select areas of the office sector.

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    White papers

    Parsing Office Distress


    In this AFIRE article, Dags Chen and Lincoln Janes lay out a framework for parsing upswell in distress across the office sector—and discuss how this is presenting a potential opportunity, especially for investors willing to brave the dislocation.

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    European Real Estate: Light at the End of the Tunnel?


    While European real estate markets have faced headwinds in recent years, there are signs that we may be at or nearing the trough of the cycle. Portfolio manager, Rory Allan provides insight into where the Barings team is finding attractive opportunities to deploy capital today.

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    White papers

    European Real Estate: The Fight Back Begins!


    Central bankers’ next moves remain highly data dependent, although the broad direction—if not the magnitude—of interest rates and therefore market property yields likely remains downward in 2024. The Barings Real Estate team discusses how this is shaping both opportunities and challenges in European real estate.

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    White papers

    U.S. Real Estate: Positioned for Recovery


    When considering the substantial correction in real estate prices and profound pull back in liquidity to this point, an inflection point in U.S. real estate appears closer than before. The Barings Real Estate team discusses how this backdrop is shaping opportunities across the asset class.

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    White papers

    What’s Shaping the Value-Add Opportunity in European Real Estate?


    While investing in European real estate still poses challenges, attractive value opportunities are emerging as we approach a cyclical bottom.

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    Real Estate Debt: Why Now?


    While commercial real estate markets continue to face cyclical and structural headwinds, real estate debt may prove to be a bright spot for investors in 2024—benefiting from attractive valuations and increased institutional take-up of the asset class. Nasir Alamgir explains.

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    Addressing the Affordable Housing Crisis


    Daron Tubian, Head of Affordable Housing Investments at Barings, sits down with Rich Roberts of Red Stone Equity Partners to discuss the housing affordability crisis in the U.S., and how investors can play a role in the solution while also earning potentially attractive returns.

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    White papers

    2024 Outlook: Global Real Estate


    Against a hazy backdrop, our real estate debt and equity experts bring today’s biggest challenges into focus—while also weighing in on where opportunities are emerging across the U.S., Europe, and Australia.

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    White papers

    2024 Global Real Estate Outlook Podcast


    How will higher rates impact real estate markets in 2024? Will valuations finally become more clear? And is real estate debt poised to shine in the year ahead? Our panel of experts from the U.S., Europe, & Australia answer these questions and more in this special outlook episode.

  • T(r)ough Times- Have European Property Yields Peaked?

    White papers

    T(r)ough Times: Have European Property Yields Peaked?


    With inflation on the way down, we are likely past peak interest rate anxiety and hopefully close to the trough of the European property market cycle. The Barings Real Estate team discusses what this means for opportunities in real estate.