Aquila Capital is part of Aquila Group, an investment and asset development company focused on generating and managing essential assets on behalf of its clients.

Currently, Aquila Group manages EUR 14.6 billion on behalf of institutional investors worldwide. Our primary objective is to continuously generate performance for our clients by managing the complexity of essential assets.

By investing in clean energy and essential real assets, Aquila Group contributes to the global energy transition and strengthens the world’s infrastructure backbone. The company initiates, develops and manages essential assets along their entire value chain and lifetime.

Our portfolio of wind energy, solar PV and hydropower assets currently has a capacity of 16.6 GW. Additionally, 1.95 million square metres of real estate and green logistics projects have been completed or are under development. Aquila Group also invests in energy efficiency, carbon forestry and data centres. Aquila Group manages its own CO2 footprint. Sustainability has always been part of our value system and is an integral part of our investment strategies, processes and management of our assets. Aquila Group has around 650 employees from 56 countries and 19 offices in 17 countries worldwide.

Compliance statement 

Aquila Capital conducts its business with integrity, respecting applicable laws and regulations. An independent Compliance department has been established to provide full coverage for all of Aquila Capital’s entities. It monitors compliance with legal requirements and regulatory standards and ensures adherence to ethical standards and stipulations, which are defined by internal guidelines and policies. The company has adopted principles that are applicable to all employees and underscore the importance of responsible behaviour. As part of the investment process, compliance is involved from the very beginning and supports the investment teams – e.g. in identifying or avoiding/controlling conflicts of interest.