Higher costs of living requires digital flexibility from social housing associations

Higher living costs are already a huge challenge for housing associations and their tenants, and the situation is potentially set to worsen.

Research by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation shows how some low-income households are struggling under this pressure - 7.2 million are going without the basics, and 4.7 million are behind on their bills.  The pressure now falls to housing associations to support their tenants. 73% of surveyed housing associations thought it likely that they will have to increase their wellbeing support for tenants in 2022.  That is in a context of increasing rent arrears and void losses in 202. Surveyed members of housing associations believe that bad debt is likely to grow by more than 10% from 2020 to 2022. 

86% of social housing lettings income is made up by social rents, alongside grants and service charges.  That’s a lot of eggs in one basket. Social housing organisations must be nimble during this period of higher living costs, supporting tenants struggling with higher living costs while maintaining effective service provision.

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