Key Data

Total Real Estate  AUM (€bn)As at: 31st December 2024
Global Total 79,136
Europe 34,352
Americas 34,001
Asia Pacific 4,178
Rest of world 0
Global Listed 4,112
Global Debt 2,493
Type of capital owner clients 
Pension assets 49%
Insurance Companies 23%
Charities 4%
Family office & Trusts 3%
Other capital owners 21%
% of capital owner clients 
Advisory 36%
Discretionary 64%
Pooled 56%
Segregated 44%

Compliance statement

AEW includes (i) AEW Capital Management, L.P. and its subsidiaries and (ii) affiliated company AEW Europe SA and its subsidiaries. AEW Europe SA and AEW Capital Management, L.P. are commonly owned by Natixis Investment Managers and operate independently from each other. Total AEW AUM of $81.9 billion includes $37.2 billion in assets managed by AEW Europe and its affiliates, $4.8 billion in regulatory assets under management of AEW Capital Management, L.P., and $39.9 billion in assets for which AEW Capital Management, L.P. and its affiliates provide (i) investment management services to a fund or other vehicle that is not primarily investing in securities (e.g., real estate), (ii) non-discretionary investment advisory services (e.g., model portfolios) or (iii) fund management services that do not include providing investment advice. Staff and offices include AEW Capital Management, L.P. and AEW Europe SA and their respective subsidiaries.