All Alternatives articles – Page 32
White papers
Plant-based food and alternative proteins look set to upend food industry
The food industry is on the brink of a decade of profound change. Unparalleled growth in plant, micro-organism, and animal-cell based alternatives has the potential to drive this change as consumer tastes evolve, meat intake is being reduced or cut altogether and demand for alternative food types rises.
White papers
Responsible investing at Nuveen
Unlocking investment potential while making an enduring impact on our world
White papers
Cash dethroned: reallocation opportunities for insurers under Solvency II
Insurers continue to grapple with historically low cash rates and potentially high capital charges on some defensive assets under Solvency II.
White papers
ESG investing depends on deep analysis
Capital Group investment analyst Frank Beaudry goes the extra mile to research a company’s approach to environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues.
White papers
From fossil fuels to renewables
In this paper, François Beaudry and Natalya Zeman consider the key long-term investment implications of the transition towards sustainable energy.
White papers
* Sustainability in the time of uncertainty *
Here is the third in a series of regular articles on current academic research into a range of responsible investment topics. The papers discussed were presented at the annual GRASFI [1] conference.
White papers
Sustainable investing – Our approach to stewardship
As part of our stewardship strategy, we regard proxy voting as a key component of being a responsible and transparent investor.
White papers
Geopolitics of the vaccine
Eighteen months after the first Covid-19 cases hit China, the outbreak is still uncontrolled globally and remains the main source of economic uncertainty outside Northern Asia. As long as there is no treatment, access to effective vaccines is the main factor in returning to a ‘normal’ life.
Research Report
Think EQuilibrium - 2021 global institutional investor study
This new, annual global research explores the drivers of investor behavior and their impact on people, portfolios and problem-solving, with a particular focus on alternatives, responsible investing and the human side of asset management. We also look at the beliefs, mindsets and priorities that inform those drivers.
White papers
* For long-term profitability, inclusive growth matters *
Companies focused on inclusive growth could stand to benefit in the long run. Investment specialist Ramon Esteruelas and environmental, social and governance (ESG) research analyst Delphine Riou explain why and how investors can target this theme.
White papers
* Exploring the relationship between modern portfolio theory and SDG investing *
At first glance, investing to achieve outcomes aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals may appear inconsistent with an optimised portfolio outcome under the modern portfolio theory.
White papers
Hedge Fund Perspectives
We explore hedge fund strategies with structural appeal in a complex market environment.
White papers
Setting the tone globally – The EU’s sustainable activities classification
A framework identifying which business activities are sustainable, and by extension worth promoting and investing in, provides clarity to industry, policymakers and investors.
White papers
Transitioning to Net-Zero Investing
Support for the goal of net-zero emissions gained strong momentum during 2020. What does this imply for market participants, and what initial steps can asset owners and managers take on this daunting path?
White papers
Impact Investing: Shifting gears
The global macro environment has shifted. Societal challenges are now on the agenda of the world’s political leaders. The United States’ return to the Paris Agreement on climate change comes with federal spending to address longstanding social and economic challenges in a way not seen in a half-century.
White papers
Invest in the world you want to live in
Climate change investing is about identifying companies that improve our lives, minimise our footprint, and perform well financially.
White papers
AB 2020 Global Stewardship Report
We’re committed to responsibility and stewardship, both as a firm and as investors. 2020 was a very challenging year: COVID-19 caused vast suffering, disrupted the global economy and financial markets, and was particularly devastating for people from underserved or marginalized communities.
White papers
* BNP Paribas’ commitment to the blue economy is strong and concrete *
Julie Miller, ocean project leader at BNP Paribas’s Corporate and Social Responsibility Department, underscores the high stakes involved in protecting the ocean.
White papers
AB 2020 ESG Engagement Campaign
Our latest engagement campaign focused on two critical ESG topics: