Alternatives – Page 14
White papers
The FTX collapse is a blow to the idea of finance industry disruption and a potential source of volatility, but we think systemic contagion into broader financial markets is unlikely.
White papers
ESG Viewpoint: The challenges of assessing physical climate risk
Much of the investor focus on climate risk to date has been on managing ‘transition risk’, defined as the financial risk associated with changes in areas such as regulation, sentiment, or technology on the route to decarbonisation.
White papers
COP27 – what happened?
Prior to the COP27 climate negotiations in Egypt, we set out our expectations on what the meeting might achieve. As we anticipated, there was intense focus in Sharm El-Sheikh on the impact of the changing climate, after another year of weather extremes. As also expected, the backdrop of rising costs and energy security provided the political headwinds to spur some progress.
White papers
Driving toward new frontiers; Nuveen’s stewardship report
Welcome to the Nuveen 2021-22 Stewardship Report. For more than 120 years, along with our parent company TIAA, we have helped millions of investors achieve long-term financial health.
White papers
Incorporating ESG Risk In Fundamental Market Risk Models
This paper investigates the possible impact of ESG Risk when incorporated into front office driven Fundamental Market Risk Measurement approaches. The main principle is, that ESG risk is implicitly embedded in observable market risk factors, like share prices and credit spreads, and interprets the ESG risk of an equity portfolio as an additional jump component to an ordinary GBM process.
White papers
Food security challenges put spotlight on sustainable transition
For many around the world, 2022 has seen a dramatic rise in food prices. This has been caused by the compounding effects of climate change, supply chain interruptions linked to the Covid-19 pandemic, trade disruptions and rising energy prices resulting from the war in Ukraine.
White papers
Tailwinds hasten hydrogen’s cost-competitiveness, albeit demand still lags
Our original research review of the hydrogen economy a few years ago led us to conclude that hydrogen would play a key role in decarbonisation.
White papers
Measuring the Value of a Portfolio Liquidity Line
Cash is needed to provide portfolio liquidity, but it often carries a high opportunity cost. While CIOs may contemplate reallocating a portion of portfolio cash into investment assets to help improve expected portfolio returns, they know that having cash on hand is beneficial to cover unexpected liquidity needs and avoid having to sell assets, especially during poor market environments. But is there a better way to balance the costs and benefits of cash?
White papers
Toning down the optimism of backtests
Past performance does not guarantee future returns. This statement is true of any strategy, be it of a systematic or discretionary nature. Systematic strategies seemingly provide a little more comfort in the form of lengthy historical backtests, which indeed never look bad.
White papers
How do renewables perform in a stagflationary environment?
Renewable assets could show themselves to be more resilient to a high inflation-low growth backdrop than more traditional assets. Here’s why.
White papers
Animal farming and ESG: a sector where some are more equal than others
Meat farms and associated industries are the unlikely battleground for a myriad of ESG issues. Emily DeMasi, EOS engager, outlines why Federated Hermes has made the sector an engagement priority.
White papers
Clean water solutions for a thirsty world
Natural capital includes all of the earth’s natural resources including freshwater reserves and aquatic ecosystems. Demand for water is increasing just as its supply is being degraded by urbanisation, plastic waste, mismanagement of agricultural chemicals and thermal pollution. We make the case for investing in water solutions to help preserve this vital aspect of natural capital as one of the engines of our economy.
White papers
The Case for Unconstrained Multi-Asset Portfolios: Navigating the Challenges of Public-Private Investing
As investors navigate the challenges of integrating public and private markets we believe a single, unconstrained multi-asset portfolio can deliver a more efficient and opportunistic solution.
White papers
Biomaterials: nature’s renewable alternative
While chemicals are useful, they are also harmful and resource-intensive. Biomaterials are part of the green chemistry industry that represents a non-hazardous and resource-efficient alternative with enormous potential.
White papers
The Unsurprisingly Volatile Business of Bitcoin Mining
Why we think the technicalities of Bitcoin mining explain much of Bitcoin’s extraordinary volatility profile.
White papers
Midyear Strategic Investment Outlook: What Does the Market Move Mean for Strategic Investors?
Many people say they like to be long-term investors. It’s a laudable ambition, but often the short term gets in the way. Our notes typically focus on the strategic horizon, but when the S&P 500 falls by 20%, 10-year Treasury yields rise by 140 basis points and Bitcoin is down by 60% since the start of 2022, strategic investors need to respond.
White papers
The rise of new food systems
We are anticipating the rise of new food systems in the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) sector. This will enable a major land restoration that allows nature to retrieve its regenerative properties, and will bring new risks and opportunities to investors.
White papers
ESG Global Study 2022
Many investors are contemplating how to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues into their investing decisions. In this, our second ESG annual study, we surveyed more than 1,100 global professionals, including advisors, consultants and intermediaries. The result is a comprehensive report providing in-depth ESG insights, thoughts on ESG trends and views regarding ESG regulation.
White papers
JPY: Structurally weak, cyclically blessed
Structural headwinds are strong for the yen, setting a fundamental background for the currency to stay weak. Yet a recessionary environment is a cyclical blessing – peaking growth and rates prove that the JPY is among the cleanest diversifiers – and officials may have lost their appetite for currency devaluation.
White papers
EOS Stewardship Report 2021
EOS at Federated Hermes publishes Stewardship Report 2021. Monitoring engagement outcomes is crucial, to ensure that our approach is effective and achieving the desired results. This year’s report includes expanded sections on our diversity, equity and inclusion approach, and on how we are responding to market-wide and systemic risks. ...