Alternatives – Page 11

  • ESG Global Study 2022
    White papers

    ESG Global Study 2022

    2022-07-01T09:35:00Z By Capital Group

    Many investors are contemplating how to integrate environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues into their investing decisions. In this, our second ESG annual study, we surveyed more than 1,100 global professionals, including advisors, consultants and intermediaries. The result is a comprehensive report providing in-depth ESG insights, thoughts on ESG trends and views regarding ESG regulation.

  • JPY- Structurally weak, cyclically blessed
    White papers

    JPY: Structurally weak, cyclically blessed

    2022-06-03T21:18:00Z By Amundi

    Structural headwinds are strong for the yen, setting a fundamental background for the currency to stay weak. Yet a recessionary environment is a cyclical blessing – peaking growth and rates prove that the JPY is among the cleanest diversifiers – and officials may have lost their appetite for currency devaluation.

  • EOS Stewardship Report 2021
    White papers

    EOS Stewardship Report 2021

    2022-05-28T11:29:00Z By Federated Hermes

    EOS at Federated Hermes publishes Stewardship Report 2021. Monitoring engagement outcomes is crucial, to ensure that our approach is effective and achieving the desired results. This year’s report includes expanded sections on our diversity, equity and inclusion approach, and on how we are responding to market-wide and systemic risks. ...

  • Litmus test for chemical sector decarbonisation
    White papers

    Litmus test for chemical sector decarbonisation

    2022-05-28T11:14:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Chemicals are essential inputs for many industries, with chemical use pervasive and entrenched in the modern world. But like the steel industry, the chemical sector is considered “hard-to-abate”, meaning that the solutions to reduce emissions are either technically challenging, prohibitively expensive, or both.

  • Federated Hermes Stewardship Report 2021
    White papers

    Federated Hermes Stewardship Report 2021

    2022-05-28T10:51:00Z By Federated Hermes

    At Federated Hermes we believe the investment industry can be a powerful force for good, building a fairer, more equitable world for all – and that active ownership and engagement is the best way to achieve this. In this, our second annual Stewardship Report, we provide an update on our efforts towards effective and outcomes-driven stewardship.

  • What does the future hold for secondary private equity investments?
    White papers

    What does the future hold for secondary private equity investments?

    2022-05-04T11:05:00Z By Schroders

    We expect that the comparatively new GP-led secondaries market will see continued strong growth if the difficulties facing broader financial markets persist.

  • Screenshot 2022-11-04 at 15.14.51
    White papers

    Are investors right to look to UK real estate amid rising inflation?

    2022-05-03T15:15:00Z By Schroders Capital (Real Estate - Homepage)

    UK real estate has seen increased interest from investors seeking shelter from rising inflation. We look at the strengths and weaknesses of the strategy and point out what investors should look out for.

  • Discovering Stocks for Your Sustainable Investing Goals
    White papers

    Discovering Stocks for Your Sustainable Investing Goals

    2022-05-02T13:31:00Z By AllianceBernstein

    Sustainability means different things to different people. So how can an investor know whether a sustainable equity fund is truly aligned with their responsibility ethos and investing goals? Start by asking the following three questions.

  • Invest in biodiversity to save the planet
    White papers

    Invest in biodiversity to save the planet

    2022-05-01T09:53:00Z By Federated Hermes

    The loss of biodiversity is one of the biggest problems facing humanity. Over the last century, we have seen unprecedented real GDP growth and have made huge progress on many fronts such as benefitting from improvements in mortality rates and technological advances. Unfortunately, in the process we have chosen to ignore nature and have altered 75% of the earth’s surface and 66% of the marine environment1 to satisfy our consumption and energy needs.

  • How regenerative agriculture can sow the seeds of change
    White papers

    How regenerative agriculture can sow the seeds of change

    2022-04-21T13:22:00Z By Federated Hermes

    In the fifth article in our EOS Insights series on the social and environmental impacts of the global food system, Sarah Swartz explores the benefits of regenerative agriculture.

  • Private debt attractive amid public asset volatility, increased inflation and rising interest rates
    White papers

    Private debt attractive amid public asset volatility, increased inflation and rising interest rates

    2022-04-21T11:25:00Z By Nuveen

    Public asset volatility, increased inflation concerns and rising interest rates are driving more interest in private debt than ever before, finds a recent survey published by The Lead Left, founded by Randy Schwimmer, co-head of senior lending at Churchill Asset Management.

  • Amundi The energy crisis heightens inflation fears - Strategies to protect portfolios from inflation risk
    White papers

    The energy crisis heightens inflation fears - Strategies to protect portfolios from inflation risk

    2022-04-19T09:08:00Z By Amundi

    Inflation was already running well above central banks’ targets as we entered the year. The war has put additional pressure on prices and supply chains and this could have repercussions not just on oil, but on other commodities as well. Furthermore, given these (intermediate) commodities are used in the production of other finished products, we are likely to witness more broad-based inflation, particularly in Europe, the region closest to the crisis.

  • PGIM - New Frontiers
    White papers

    New Frontiers: Finding the Untapped Opportunities in Alts

    2022-04-08T15:07:00Z By PGIM

    Investors are faced with a host of challenges in today’s market. Whether it be a war raging in Europe, the prospect of higher inflation and interest rates, or an equity market that may look frothy after a relentless run higher, the way forward for traditional investments may not appear as appealing as it was in past years.

  • Screenshot 2022-11-04 at 15.17.30
    White papers

    How to get to net zero in real estate investment

    2022-03-30T15:18:00Z By Schroders Capital (Real Estate - Homepage)

    We know a drastic fall in carbon emissions from the built environment is essential to save the planet. Even so, real solutions - let alone action - remain elusive. It’s time to work out how it can be done.

  • Amundi - Global Investment Views - April 2022
    White papers

    Global Investment Views - April 2022

    2022-03-24T16:15:00Z By Amundi

    The first month of the Russia-Ukraine war has driven volatility up across the board, though with some recent signs of stabilisation in equity markets. Europe is the area most exposed to the war – in particular, through the effects of higher energy prices, supply chain disruptions, and geographic proximity, but the commodity squeeze goes far beyond energy to include agricultural commodities and metals.

  • Is the spike in commodity prices sustainable
    White papers

    Is the spike in commodity prices sustainable?

    2022-03-24T15:25:00Z By Capital Group

    For a glimpse of just how volatile commodities currently are, look at nickel markets. Prices doubled in early March. Then they plunged. Then the London Metals Exchange halted trading. This week, the market for nickel — a key component in electric vehicle batteries and stainless steel products — reopened but with strict trading limits.

  • FH-Baidu case study-2022
    White papers

    Baidu case study - March 2022

    2022-03-24T11:16:00Z By Federated Hermes

    Following EOS engagement, Baidu improved its disclosure on human capital management. EOS engagement contributed to the company’s understanding of bestpractice human capital management, leading to improved disclosure.

  • Amundi - Amundi Pension Funds Letter n°14
    White papers

    Amundi Pension Funds Letter n°14

    2022-03-23T16:20:00Z By Amundi

    In this latest edition of Amundi Pension Fund Letter we turn our gaze to China. The world’s second largest economy since 2010, China is now emerging from the United States’ shadow and may well become the world’s leading economic power by 2030.

  • Amundi-15
    White papers

    15-16 March FOMC review: we have full throttle lift off

    2022-03-17T15:02:00Z By Amundi

    On 16 March, the Federal Reserve hiked the fed funds rate by 25bp, to 0.25-0.50%, the first rate hike in four years. The Fed decision was widely expected and probably the most telegraphed rate hike in recent memory. However, the meeting’s statement and accompanying SEP offered some hawkish surprises.

  • green-hydrogens-rise_653x490
    White papers

    Green Hydrogen’s Rise in Emerging Markets

    2022-03-17T14:14:00Z By Barings

    Despite the benefits of developing green hydrogen as an energy pillar in emerging economies, countries and companies face several hurdles before it can be deployed commercially, the most obvious being the scalability and affordability.