
At Lombard Odier Investment Managers, we are rethinkers with one goal in mind. To provide our clients with outstanding investment solutions that meet their needs for the long term and evolve to thrive in the challenging world in which we all live.

A major sustainability transition is currently underway: it will radically alter the global economy, how companies do business and how individuals consume. It is fuelled by unstoppable forces including government policy, technological innovation, consumer behaviour and market influences. We see it accelerating to deliver change on the scale of the industrial revolution at the speed of the digital revolution.

Sustainability is today one of the most important drivers of risk and return. This core investment conviction at Lombard Odier Investment Managers fundamentally shapes our ethos, our investment approach and our solutions. Our team of sustainability experts combine sophisticated data sources, academic rigour and technical innovation to create leading-edge, science-based and forward-looking tools to adapt portfolios to this new economic landscape and to create novel strategies centred on nature-positive and climate-aligned goals.

These dedicated sustainable investment strategies are aligned to our core belief – that to respect and preserve the planet’s resources and ecosystems, we must move the economy away from a ‘take-make-waste model’ that takes more than is sustainable, makes more than we need, and wastes most of what we produce. We must transition instead towards a regenerative, circular bioeconomy that combines nature-centric value creation as well as better economics. This new model preserves nature through resource efficiency and outcome-oriented business models, while closing the loop towards zero-waste. We call it the CLIC® economy because it is circular, lean, inclusive and clean.