All Corporate Bonds articles – Page 17
White papers
Booming non-farm beats budget boredom
This update is the weekly edition of our weekly publication on fixed-income markets.
White papers
Threadneedle UK Social Bond Fund: three years of doing well by doing good
Following its third anniversary, in January 2017, the fund has shown it can offer investors both profit and principle.
White papers
The long march to higher interest rates
Jim Cielinski argues that while the bond bubble has burst, it remains to be seen how quickly the fallout may spread.
White papers
French elections: what to expect should Le Pen prevail
Mark Burgess looks at what a Le Pen presidency could mean for France, Europe and the broader global landscape and argues that the immediate reaction of markets is likely to be a spike in volatility for French assets due to the uncertainty of what is to come.
White papers
Tackling the ‘unknown unknowns’: how active managers manage unforeseen risks
The best active managers never resort to blaming events seemingly outside of their control for poor performance. Rather, they work harder to overcome such hurdles, listening to a wide range of views, inviting challenge and working closely with others to refine their process so as to retain that all-important edge.
White papers
[Full paper] Outnumbered but not outpaced – the bold change we need for female fund manager talent to break through
While financial services has made some progress towards parity, asset management remains an outlier with only 7% female representation.
White papers
[Summary] Outnumbered but not outpaced – the bold change we need for female fund manager talent to break through
While financial services has made some progress towards parity, asset management remains an outlier with only 7% female representation. Alison Jefferis argues that it’s time to embrace bold change to redress the balance as the industry is missing out on a deep pool of talent and resources.
White papers
In Credit: Rising US rates and Dutch courage
In the US, the Federal Reserve did as expected and lifted interest rates for the third time this cycle – by 25bps to 1%.
White papers
Cross Asset Investment Strategy: March 2017
This month, we present the main issues and scenarios relating to French presidential and legislative elections, as well as the most likely market impacts.
White papers
Build a Buffer in High Income Bonds
When investing in higher-yielding bonds, consider an approach designed to protect your portfolio from market turbulence.
White papers
What Happens When FedTrade Ends?
While most Fed watchers are focused on the federal funds rate, a more interesting topic may be the so-called FedTrade, which is keeping certain agency mortgage-backed securities’ risk spreads at artificially low levels.
White papers
So long, bond bull market
Key drivers shaping bond markets have changed. Keeping a global perspective and knowing which macro signals to watch for can help you prepare for changes in bond yields. The world is slowing adjusting to the idea that monetary policy will transition to stimulative fiscal policy.
White papers
Why European Institutional investors are investing in US Municipal Bonds
European institutional investors have been buying increasing amounts of the municipal bonds sold by US states and cities to fund public projects.
White papers
Behavioural Interventions Series: Paper Three Committed, Disengaged, Suspicious or Falsely Secure - What type of pension saver are you?
Saving for retirement is for most a complex and inaccessible topic, which is perhaps why many people switch off rather than engage with it head-on.
White papers
Asian fixed income: can Asian buyers conquer all?
2016 will be remembered for its political events and Asia contributed its fair share. The shock of Brexit and the US presidential election added to the uneasiness that prevailed throughout the year.
White papers
Cross Asset Investment Strategy: February 2017
The rise in long-term interest rates raises a crucial question: is it a change in regime, a change in level, or a correction within a band of fluctuation that will remain low? The purpose of this article is to answer this question.
White papers
Our Convictions: February 2017
The election of D. Trump to the presidency of the United States had several major consequences on the financial markets
White papers
Cross Asset Investment Strategy: January 2017
As 2017 begins, it is helpful to take stock of the key issues coming into focus.
White papers
Cross Asset: 2017 and beyond
In an ultra-low or even negative interest rate environment, maintaining an overweight stance in emerging market assets (equities, debt and currencies), in credit (vs. government bonds) still makes sense, while continuing our search for yield and spreads.