All Cash articles – Page 5
White papers
Trumponomics: What could go right?
When it comes to policy, there are things that can go right and things that can go wrong – particularly so with Trumponomics.
White papers
Trump unnerves Asia
The new US administration’s trade and foreign policy threatens to unsettle relations with Asia-Pacific nations. It is commonplace to say that the election of President Donald Trump has created uncertainty and nervousness among both US’s allies and its rivals.
White papers
Southeast Asia’s credit stability
Credit rating agencies are optimistic that Southeast Asian countries will weather the fallout from developments in other regions. Southeast Asia appears vulnerable to several forces it can do little to control.
White papers
Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect opens for traffic
Offering a bridge for international investors accessing China’s ‘new economy’, policymakers are confident in Stock Connect’s future. China’s recent policy initiatives to attract international investors to its equities markets have struggled.
White papers
Indonesia’s reforms gather momentum
Jokowi’s administration is making progress and pleasing investors in a region troubled by political controversies. Expectations were high when Joko Widodo won Indonesia’s presidential election in 2014.
White papers
How China rules the waves
FT investigation: Beijing has spent billions expanding its ports network to secure sea lanes and establish itself as a maritime power. Pakistan’s Arabian Sea port of Gwadar is perched on the world’s energy jugular. Sea lanes nearby carry most of China’s oil imports; any disruption could choke the world’s second-largest economy.
White papers
Asian fund passports’ slow progress
While passports are likely to accelerate growth in the local fund industry, national interests are hindering their development.
White papers
Asset Allocation Monthly: March 2017
Global equity markets are near all-time highs, bond markets are relatively calm, and currency volatility is reasonably low.
White papers
French elections: what to expect should Le Pen prevail
Mark Burgess looks at what a Le Pen presidency could mean for France, Europe and the broader global landscape and argues that the immediate reaction of markets is likely to be a spike in volatility for French assets due to the uncertainty of what is to come.
White papers
Tackling the ‘unknown unknowns’: how active managers manage unforeseen risks
The best active managers never resort to blaming events seemingly outside of their control for poor performance. Rather, they work harder to overcome such hurdles, listening to a wide range of views, inviting challenge and working closely with others to refine their process so as to retain that all-important edge.
White papers
[Full paper] Outnumbered but not outpaced – the bold change we need for female fund manager talent to break through
While financial services has made some progress towards parity, asset management remains an outlier with only 7% female representation.
White papers
[Summary] Outnumbered but not outpaced – the bold change we need for female fund manager talent to break through
While financial services has made some progress towards parity, asset management remains an outlier with only 7% female representation. Alison Jefferis argues that it’s time to embrace bold change to redress the balance as the industry is missing out on a deep pool of talent and resources.
White papers
Behavioural Interventions Series: Paper Three Committed, Disengaged, Suspicious or Falsely Secure - What type of pension saver are you?
Saving for retirement is for most a complex and inaccessible topic, which is perhaps why many people switch off rather than engage with it head-on.
White papers
Mind the gap: Overcoming the cognitive barriers to saving for retirement
In this paper, Chris Wagstaff considers how reasonably simple behavioural interventions can be used by policymakers, regulators and the pensions community to improve saving decisions.
White papers
[Summary] What constitutes a first class pensions system? Adopting a global perspective of what defines a good retirement outcome
In this paper, Chris Wagstaff takes a comprehensive look at pension systems worldwide; identifying those enduring principles with universal application that characterise an ideal pensions system and ultimately contribute to that all-important holy grail: generating a comfortable retirement for savers.
White papers
[Full paper] What constitutes a first class pensions system? Adopting a global perspective of what defines a good retirement outcome
In this paper, Chris Wagstaff takes a comprehensive look at pension systems worldwide; identifying those enduring principles with universal application that characterise an ideal pensions system and ultimately contribute to that all-important holy grail: generating a comfortable retirement for savers.
White papers
Brexit: Panel Discussion
Mark Burgess, Chief Investment Officer, EMEA, and Global Head of Equities, discusses the short and medium-term impacts of the UK referendum vote to Leave the European Union.
White papers
The Future Book: Unravelling Workplace Pensions
The Pensions Policy Institute, commissioned by Columbia Threadneedle Investments, has published a new compendium of DC statistics, “The Future Book”, setting out available data on the DC landscape, projections of the future aggregate value of DC assets, commentary and analysis of current trends.
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