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We are Legal & General Investment Management (LGIM), the asset management business of Legal & General Group. Our purpose is to create a better future through responsible investing. We strive to achieve this through a strong sense of partnership with our clients, working together to achieve positive long-term outcomes. We draw on industry-leading expertise to innovate constantly across public and private assets, index and active strategies. And we are a responsible investor, rising to the challenges of a rapidly changing world. On behalf of savers, retirees and institutions worldwide, we manage €1.348 trillion in assets*.

* Source: LGIM internal data as at 30 June 2023. The AUM disclosed aggregates the assets managed by LGIM in the UK, LGIMA in the US and LGIM Asia in Hong Kong. The AUM includes the value of securities and derivatives positions.

Recent highlights

  • LGIM is an active player in the energy transition, with investments including financing the world’s largest offshore wind farm.
  • LGIM deployed over €500m in infrastructure debt in 2023.
  • The L&G NTR Clean Power (Europe) Fund acquired a Swedish onshore wind asset and a minority stake in a UK offshore wind project in Q2 2024

Our vision and beliefs

L&G’s driving principle is one of inclusive capitalism – the ability to generate a positive return and a positive outcome for society. L&G has been investing its corporate capital in renewable energy infrastructure and clean energy technology companies since 2015, beginning with a 25% shareholding in renewables infrastructure manager, NTR. L&G was also a cornerstone investor in NTR’s first two funds. Today, LGIM partners with NTR to offer a unique proposition which harnesses the stewardship of one of the world’s largest investment managers with the specialist expertise of a leading clean energy asset manager in Europe. 

LGIM also manages a diversified range of infrastructure debt investments, covering transport, energy, telecommunications, social and utilities sectors. We operate a buy-and-hold philosophy. Our central belief is that value is not simply measured in terms of upfront premium. We have been managing private credit mandates since 2012, and the growth in our business since then is testament to the confidence our clients have placed in us. We believe that a proven and repeatable process with the right level of governance will continue to hold us in good stead as we grow.

Investment process and research

On the debt side, origination is led by the Investment Teams, sourcing deals through various means including (but not limited to) sponsors, borrowers, regulators, banks and fostered industry relationships. They have the ability to access markets directly and structure bilaterally to achieve value through price, structure and scale. 

We operate a highly selective investment approach with a relentless focus on credit quality and structural protections underpinned by our dual track investment process. This process involves rigorous due diligence by the deal sourcing team on the one track and a simultaneously but independent credit ratings process on the other. Both teams present their due diligence at separate investment and credit committees.

For our renewable energy infrastructure equity fund, in which we partner with NTR, LGIM is responsible for all regulated activities including portfolio oversight, distribution and investment decision-making. NTR is responsible for asset origination, execution of transactions and strategic and technical asset management, applying its extensive experience and expertise to manage the assets and unlock additional value.Compliance statement

Views expressed are of LGIM as at June 2023. The information in this document (a) is for information purposes only and we are not soliciting any action based on it, and (b) is not a recommendation to buy or sell securities or pursue a particular investment strategy and (c) is not investment, legal, regulatory or tax advice. Legal & General Investment Management Limited. Registered in England and Wales No. 0209 1894. Registered Office: One Coleman Street, London, EC2R 5 AA. Authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, No 119272.