All Absolute Return Funds articles
Talking Heads – Absolute return fixed income in an uncertain world
There is always uncertainty, particularly when it comes to the direction of bond markets in an uncertain world. James McAlevey, Head of Global Aggregate and Absolute Return explains the merits of absolute return fixed income investing in the current environment.
White papers
Comparing Evergreen and Traditional Fund Returns
As the landscape of private equity investing continues to evolve, evergreen funds have emerged as a compelling alternative to traditional funds.
White papers
Absolute Return Overlays: The Power of Diversification on Returns
Expected returns on multi-asset portfolios may be improved materially with the implementation of a portable alpha overlay. Unlike other alternative allocations, portable alpha overlays can be implemented without changing underlying portfolio allocations and/or existing active managers.
White papers
Absolute return – An absolute must in fixed income
Classical fixed income is already a source of ‘return-free risk’ in this post-pandemic economy awash with central bank stimulus. Reflationary expectations have expedited the rise in interest rates and aggravated the challenges faced by traditional fixed income strategies and indices.
White papers
Targeting positive returns in an uncertain climate
A decade after the global financial crisis, the uncertain economic conditions it ushered in continue to starve Europe’s investors of returns
White papers
The Four Principles of Style-Premia Selection
Factor investing, whereby the fundamental and technical drivers of securities are used to create diversifying strategies, has in recent years become democratised: it is now accessible to investors beyond those willing and able to pay hedge funds ‘two and twenty.’
White papers
Why European Institutional investors are investing in US Municipal Bonds
European institutional investors have been buying increasing amounts of the municipal bonds sold by US states and cities to fund public projects.
White papers
Behavioural Interventions Series: Paper Three Committed, Disengaged, Suspicious or Falsely Secure - What type of pension saver are you?
Saving for retirement is for most a complex and inaccessible topic, which is perhaps why many people switch off rather than engage with it head-on.
White papers
Alternative Risk Premia: Constructing a true diversified portfolio
As investors seek to both improve risk-adjusted returns and meaningful diversification of their portfolios, they can take advantage of a portfolio of approximately 25 to 40 risk premia using a combination of risk parity, risk targeting and tactical asset management.
White papers
Mind the gap: Overcoming the cognitive barriers to saving for retirement
In this paper, Chris Wagstaff considers how reasonably simple behavioural interventions can be used by policymakers, regulators and the pensions community to improve saving decisions.
White papers
[Summary] What constitutes a first class pensions system? Adopting a global perspective of what defines a good retirement outcome
In this paper, Chris Wagstaff takes a comprehensive look at pension systems worldwide; identifying those enduring principles with universal application that characterise an ideal pensions system and ultimately contribute to that all-important holy grail: generating a comfortable retirement for savers.
White papers
[Full paper] What constitutes a first class pensions system? Adopting a global perspective of what defines a good retirement outcome
In this paper, Chris Wagstaff takes a comprehensive look at pension systems worldwide; identifying those enduring principles with universal application that characterise an ideal pensions system and ultimately contribute to that all-important holy grail: generating a comfortable retirement for savers.
White papers
Alternative Beta: There is another way
As institutional investors urgently seek ways to truly diversify their portfolios, alternative beta strategies offer a low cost, liquid alternative to multi strategy and fund of hedge funds
White papers
Alternative beta as true diversifiers
Alternative betas can play the role of a true diversifier in a broad-based portfolio. They include various equity style factors and can be found across asset classes such as stocks, bonds, credit, currency and commodities.
White papers
Implementing absolute return in a multi-asset framework
Institutions face challenges in a low-return market environment frequently interrupted with phases of high volatility. Many are seeking to improve portfolio risk-adjusted returns (Sharpe ratio) without sacrificing return objectives. Logically, two approaches are possible: pursuing a portfolio’s required rate of return with less volatility, or seeking to increase returns without ...
White papers
Not all active managers are created equal: what to look for and why
This paper challenges the notion that active fund management – in aggregate and after fees – is a negative sum game. Indeed, the reward for selecting exceptional managers who deliver net outperformance can be a significant uncorrelated source of investment return.
White papers
Improving portfolio efficiency with multi-asset absolute return strategies
Most institutional investors are searching for strategies to improve risk-adjusted returns (Sharpe ratio) without sacrificing return.